I prolly won't buy if kid Goku end up looking like that proto
I thought the proto kid Goku looked good. Could use some tweaks, but iirc they werent going for a dragonball Goku but rather kid Goku in the newer drawing style.
@wvahermit They were displayed briefly at sdcc 2016 and pulled almost immediately, something to do with either licensing or just tamashii wanting to reveal both themselves instead of bluefin I guess. Incase you didnt know, a PC Cell and 2.0 Gohan have been revealed too, they are in the pic.
You know, thinking about it, tamashii only have to tweak the Yamcha mold to give us a 2.0 Goku and Piccolo, and although everyone knows my stance on Yamcha, the body looks great from here, I would be happy with that honestly.
I've also been wishing for them to make the polls online too instead of only having them at the comic cons
Nope, you cant im afraid, you have to be a premium member and post on the trade section.
What are the ods of Goku 2.0 coming with base, ssj and a ssj3 head. I doubt we'll see ssj2 Goku.
What are the ods of Goku 2.0 coming with base, ssj and a ssj3 head. I doubt we'll see ssj2 Goku.