I'm interested to see how they're going to do the Saiyan Pod, Frieza's Chair, and Trunks' Time Machine. Those are going to be some big boxes and molds but also a lot of fun...
Not really freaking out, just sayin it looked **** in that vid. Still need to see that a certain faceplate though
Well. Nothing to say. Its awesome. Just like the Anime. It's like the anime in 3D basically
The dragon summons space pod fits Vegeta perfectly. Does anyone know if this figure rise mechanics space pod does?
The "Out of da box" videos always have the worst saturated illumination ever, I was not worried at all. He looks great there.
I mixed two sentencesYour english has gotten so much better =D
Has there been any updates about SS God Goku? It seems like it's taking awhile. It's the one I want the most besides SS Gogeta.
View attachment 293464
Has there been any updates about SS God Goku? It seems like it's taking awhile. It's the one I want the most besides SS Gogeta.
View attachment 293464
Hmm..thoze faces look weird 2 me.. kinda derpy