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Kind of off/in topic but in DBZ didn't the cell we knew ambushed and killed another future trunks who completed his mission (saved goku and killed the androids in his world) and so Cell traveled to the world we know? Wasn't that the reason how our current future trunks knew how to prepare for (another) cell when cell was planning to ambush trunks in his timeline and trunks was like "go inside mom" lol

They are using that cell's time machine right now too... get where I'm coming from? Lol If I am wrong than i must be on drugs but on to my point. What if that dead future trunks cell killed saved the world where goku black is created? To me the rings are just bull crap confusing so Im sticking to what I just wrote down until DBS explains more haha.

Btw to bad or hopefully black and zamasu picks on vegeta and vegeta go "thats my bulma!!" Haha
So just rewatched the episode and ******* it really is an amazing episode. I'm even coming to terms with Trunks's FSSB (False Super Saiyan Blue). He did get trained by Vegeta after all and Trunks's stays getting zenkai boosts and he's been training for a long ass time since the Cell Games ended so it's no surprise that he's so strong and thus able to at least tap into god ki now. Also, he's a hybrid and from what we know, hybrids are naturally stronger than pure Saiyans.

The thing that's confusing about the timeline stuff is that in order for Black to come into existence, he had to already exist. Goku would've never met Zamasu in the first place if Trunks never came back in time but in order for Trunks to come back in time, Black had to exist. In order for Black to exist, Goku would've had to meet Zamasu though. That's the kicker right there. I guess no matter what, Black was always meant to exist so time created this crazy ass loop so that no matter what happens, Black will always exist. He's the son of time itself :lecture

Or this is some type of weird asexual time travel reproduction where Black created himself :dunno

Uh-oh...looks like there's been a huge fire at Bandai's manufacturing plants in China.

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So just rewatched the episode and ******* it really is an amazing episode. I'm even coming to terms with Trunks's FSSB (False Super Saiyan Blue). He did get trained by Vegeta after all and Trunks's stays getting zenkai boosts and he's been training for a long ass time since the Cell Games ended so it's no surprise that he's so strong and thus able to at least tap into god ki now. Also, he's a hybrid and from what we know, hybrids are naturally stronger than pure Saiyans.

The thing that's confusing about the timeline stuff is that in order for Black to come into existence, he had to already exist. Goku would've never met Zamasu in the first place if Trunks never came back in time but in order for Trunks to come back in time, Black had to exist. In order for Black to exist, Goku would've had to meet Zamasu though. That's the kicker right there. I guess no matter what, Black was always meant to exist so time created this crazy ass loop so that no matter what happens, Black will always exist. He's the son of time itself :lecture

Or this is some type of weird asexual time travel reproduction where Black created himself :dunno

Goku Black created himself. It's very similar to the first Terminator movie.
From what I've read the time ring Goku Black has means that he will always exist unless it's removed. One thing I'm wondering, is Goku Black technically abusing Zenkai? Or does he have a more OP version of it where it seems to activate after nearly every battle? Because he recovers from attacks, and gets stronger far quicker then Vegeta, Gohan and Goku did through their Zenkais where they needed Namekian healing and senzu beans.

I also have to wonder just how Goku Black got so used to the power in his body just after swapping, since Ginyu could barely fight against Gohan and Krillin after swapping with Goku, and the only reason Goku struggled in Ginyu's body was due to the self-inflicted wound. Unless it's due to Zamasu's kai status, and the power of the Super Dragon Balls.
Kind of off/in topic but in DBZ didn't the cell we knew ambushed and killed another future trunks who completed his mission (saved goku and killed the androids in his world) and so Cell traveled to the world we know? Wasn't that the reason how our current future trunks knew how to prepare for (another) cell when cell was planning to ambush trunks in his timeline and trunks was like "go inside mom" lol

They are using that cell's time machine right now too... get where I'm coming from? Lol If I am wrong than i must be on drugs but on to my point. What if that dead future trunks cell killed saved the world where goku black is created? To me the rings are just bull crap confusing so Im sticking to what I just wrote down until DBS explains more haha.

Btw to bad or hopefully black and zamasu picks on vegeta and vegeta go "thats my bulma!!" Haha

I can't wait to get some Goku Black and Zamasu merch of some kind, so far all either has is Dragon Ball Heroes cards (I'm only missing 2)... Black is easily my favorite DB villain ever. I'm loving DBS so much. So glad to hear they worked it out for international release. Chris S's twitter DBS status went from "I wish I knew" (or something like that) to clapping hand emojis within hours of the news of the distribution rights deal being official, so it's safe to assume Funimation is on it.


EDIT: I also agree that episode 61 is one of the best yet. It's so hard to avoid spoilers, they give away WAAAY to much info before the episodes air.
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Oooh the green rings. Hmmm, I guess that could somehow, and even somewhat creatively, explain things.

All in all, the most important thing to me is that the evil beat of looping it all back to Trunks worked, narratively and emotionally. So anime. I never dared expect they'd do such a thing.

It'll be pretty great to watch this stuff with the Funi-actors. Kinda weird to me it's taking them this long, even purely in Funi's finacial interest.
I wonder how much stuff will be edited out, tho :/

For instance during the Champa Arc, when Goku "accidentally" grabbed that squid thing's **** and they were all giggling
And the various jokes about Bulma's *******
Now that we got the Timeline discussion out of the way, let's talk about that transformation! Talk about a "Wow!" moment...

I think that's a false SSB state. Pretty much the same look as when Goku went false SSJ in the Lord Slug movie. Yes it's technically "non canon" but it certainly seems to draw inspiration from it.

He trained with Vegeta so he may have given him a crash course on how to tap into god ki and given the amount of time Trunks has trained since the end of the Cell Saga and the countless battles he's fought, he's a hardened and powerful Saiyan at this point. Black's words got to him and he unleashed this false state. That **** was sick.

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I'm sticking with "Zenkai Rage Boost"

I look at it as a homage throwback to when Trunks got all jacked up right before he fought Cell

Now when Goku momentarily went berserk on Black & Zamasu, that **** was crazy
I just wish Vegeta had a moment like that as well, that lasted longer than a few seconds
Whatever the glowing **** it's called, give its SHF version to me, right now. Screw that xenoverse release.

(Other nitpick: wish they mentioned where he got this new sword fom. And his old one for that matter, cause that movie isn't canon. Guess it's Bulma...)
I think that's a false SSB state. Pretty much the same look as when Goku went false SSJ in the Lord Slug movie. Yes it's technically "non canon" but it certainly seems to draw inspiration from it.

He trained with Vegeta so he may have given him a crash course on how to tap into god ki and given the amount of time Trunks has trained since the end of the Cell Saga and the countless battles he's fought, he's a hardened and powerful Saiyan at this point. Black's words got to him and he unleashed this false state. That **** was sick.

It does seem that it's a regular Super Saiyan transformation that's capable of harnessing god ki at the same time. I'm really interested to find out more about the transformation.

I'm sticking with "Zenkai Rage Boost"

I look at it as a homage throwback to when Trunks got all jacked up right before he fought Cell

Now when Goku momentarily went berserk on Black & Zamasu, that **** was crazy
I just wish Vegeta had a moment like that as well, that lasted longer than a few seconds

I think it was a lot more than a simple rage boost and more of a new transformation for Trunks. It reminded me when Gohan turned Super Saiyan 2.

Now Goku definitely had a rage boost. I loved it when he Instant Transmission'd in front of Future Zamasu and knocked him on his ass without even looking. Goku Black's powers are ridiculous though. I'm really starting to dig his different fighting style.

This episode was able to capture two very emotional moments for Trunks and Goku and they were executed amazingly well. It was strange but also great to see Vegeta as the voice of reason and trying to calm Trunks down when Goku Black and Future Zamasu were telling him about his "sins." Goku Black's reveal to Goku about his origin though...that was devastating.

Edited: Vegeta having a rage boost would be great to see but it wouldn't necessarily add anything. Now if he's the one who comes up with the plan to defeat Goku Black and Zamasu, that would be epic.

Whatever the glowing **** it's called, give its SHF version to me, right now. Screw that xenoverse release.

(Other nitpick: wish they mentioned where he got this new sword fom. And his old one for that matter, cause that movie isn't canon. Guess it's Bulma...)

Tamashii Nations has to be loving all of these new transformations.

No doubt we're gonna see at the very least Black at the event this month. Too easy of a release to pass up. Zamasu's pretty much a given too and if they pair that with Future Trunks and his new form, they'll be raking in that Zeni.
At least two of those releases are simple retools and recoloring. Zamasu's the only one that would require a completely new mold

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No doubt we're gonna see at the very least Black at the event this month. Too easy of a release to pass up. Zamasu's pretty much a given too and if they pair that with Future Trunks and his new form, they'll be raking in that Zeni.
At least two of those releases are simple retools and recoloring. Zamasu's the only one that would require a completely new mold

I would be extremely surprised if we don't see either Goku Black, Future Trunks, or Zamasu at Tamashii Nations Event later this month. (Hell, I'll even take temporary "work in progress" displays similar to Deadshot at NYCC.)

The only retool I can see for the three would be Future Trunks re-using the Time Patroller's lower half *and arms. I think everything else will be all new sculpting. I'm actually expecting a different hair sculpt for Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black instead of a Super Saiyan Blue Goku reuse.
Notice how Trunks is really Broly-esque?

Aside from the similar hairstyle, the biggest similarity are the lack of pupils. It's almost like a constant Super Saiyan form of rage, like a berserker mode similar to how Broly was a rampaging beast. Is this "Raging/Berserk" Super Saiyan?

When Goku transformed after Krillin's death, he was remarkably calm despite the overwhelming anger over the deaths Frieza caused.
I think Future Trunks has just reached his serious breaking point. He was called out for his time traveling, and realized he, Vegeta and Goku weren't enough to stop Goku Black and Zamasu. I still think the Androids' destruction left their mark on him because he had a PTSD moment with how he flipped on Goku upon seeing him. Maybe his Buu Saga had a subtle effect since he let more people die (including Kibito, Supreme Kai and unknowingly Old Kai) Having it happen all over again, and actually being almost too weak enough to do anything resulted in this new form, plus being considered worse then Goku Black is something else.

On Freiza and Goku, Goku was still really vengeful though, refusing to leave the planet with Gohan or King Kai, and dead set on fighting Freiza alone and forcing Gohan out multiple times, though he really did care for Gohan's safety with how he nearly broke Freiza's arm like a kit-kat when Freiza almost shot him down. I feel like it was a subdued rage, and at some point Goku regained his composure. Remember that fight that was several episodes so of course Goku would regain everything.