Good research! Future Trunks and Mecha-Frieza definitely seem to be the two from 764.My guesses for the new Figure-Rise models would be Future Trunks and Mecha Frieza, based on the year/"Age" they provided and the info on this page:
It could be Yadrat Goku but they didn't show a proto of him. They did show Trunks (which was really just the figuarts Trunks repainted) and Mecha Frieza if I remember correctly.
You should get Perfect Cell too. He was fun to build.Yeah they're pretty cheap too, not quality wise but affordable. However only one I got is SS Goku, and in my opinion it was tedious as hell to assemble. Which may have to do with the fact that I don't assemble Gundam kits or any other model kits that often, so I guess I'm a noob in that sense, whereas others that been collecting assembly kits are used to it. But the end result is satisfactory. I'll prolly only get Kid Boo and that's it.
Looking at the wiki page for Age 767 and then the image below, my guess would be Mr. Satan. According to the wiki, on May 7th of 767, he became world champion.
Yeah they're pretty cheap too, not quality wise but affordable. However only one I got is SS Goku, and in my opinion it was tedious as hell to assemble. Which may have to do with the fact that I don't assemble Gundam kits or any other model kits that often, so I guess I'm a noob in that sense, whereas others that been collecting assembly kits are used to it. But the end result is satisfactory. I'll prolly only get Kid Boo and that's it.
Not in scale with shf but better than nothing.awesome !!! need time machine !
The Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Super Saiyan Blue Vegito, and Super Saiyan Vegito look pretty cool too.Want!
I'm curious to see how they (Tamashii) handles Zamasu. Which version will they release, his standard form or his fused form? Or both?
If I had to guess, they'll go for his fused form, since all the villains released thus far have been in their final forms. I doubt we'll ever see Frieza's previous forms, Imperfect Cell, etc. in SHF form. However they did protos of Buuhan & Buutenks, which are odd choices, but they've only been shown once & since disappeared so who knows
When they do make Zamasu I think they'll go with his regular form first. That form would pair nicely with Goku Black. His merged form had less screen time and would pair well with an SSB Vegito so that would probably come after.
Apparently still in stock at nipponyasanBeen trying to find a Vegetto since the figure shops in my region wont carry him but ebay is full of fakes.Anyone know where I can get an authentic one for a decent price?
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