Thanks, ang! I wanted them but was waiting to see if Tamashii would show off Figuarts SS4 Goku or Vegeta at the last event before I bought them and they didn't. They are pretty damn cool for models. I think they would benefit from some paint for details and to replace the stickers. As you can see they are a bit larger than the Figuarts line which works well for SS4 and Cell but not so much for Buu. The week I finally decided to get them, I found them in Barnes and Noble so rather than wait to get them delivered, I picked them up right then and there. I think they go for like $25-30 online but they were $30-35 at B&N. Great placeholders for the time being.
Thanks guys for the advice. May hold off unless I can get a good deal. Not my favorite character but definitely up there.
Here's my ss4 pair!
Yeah, it's going to be awhile for Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super releases since Tamashii Nations is focusing on the core of Dragon Ball Z for awhile. (Kid Goku and Super Saiyan God Goku being the exceptions. Mostly because they're Goku releases and he hasn't had a significant release within the "2.0 Age" since Super Warrior Awakening.) It's nice because the model kits are priced decently and for the quality of them it's well worth it. I've seen some samples of the painted model kits from the Figure-Rise series at conventions and they look phenomenal. The scaling is kind of wonky to fit within the S.H.Figuarts for most of them but I think they're pretty well scaled with each other. While it would have been nice for the scaling to be similar, I'm glad to see Tamashii Nations having some sort of competition. (If they even see it that way.) I'm looking forward to the Time Machine the most. The Saiyan Pod is awesome and fits really well within my S.H.Figuarts but that Time Machine is going to really complete my Future Trunks display.
I've been purchasing most of the Figure-Rise since Super Saiyan Goku and Final Form Frieza but the Fusion Dance immediately grabbed my attention for the Super Saiyan 4 releases. Glad to see somebody has them set up that way!
Man, I remember in like '11, '12 looking through e(vil)Bay and finding only about 100 listings for 'figuarts dbz'. Now there's over 3,000 hits! I'm looking for a reasonably priced SDCC Broly and it's not going well lol
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I'm thinking about getting the Final form Frieza model for a 100% power version of him. I got the first form one too and man was it rough putting details on it for all the lines. It turned out great though even if it's pretty much a statue. I'll try and get some pics of him, Cell and Buu this weekend.
Cant believe i missed out on the amazon prime day deals on these guys. whis 16$ shenron 35$ scouter vegeta 20$...I just want to end my life right now lol
Cant believe i missed out on the amazon prime day deals on these guys. whis 16$ shenron 35$ scouter vegeta 20$...I just want to end my life right now lol
Something interesting I found on Facebook about a few prototypes that were revealed but haven't been released yet...
(Credit goes to Renan Roque for creating/posting these.)