Nice, I got really lucky with both banners before it broke again. Two int gogetas, rage trunks, two phy omegas and a third gogeta on the guaranteed ticket! Janembas banner hasnt been as kind though I did get a cooler and ssj4 gogeta! Nowhere near as many ssrs though.
If you spend money on the game I recommend heading over to mobile game whale on facebook and speaking with william wu; guy is a legend, stones at massive discounts, totally legit. Been getting stones from him since the cooler banner. You do have to hand over you account for him to do so though, but I trust him completely, never let me down yet.
Cool video, but it feels strange hearing your voice. In my head you always sounded like Kurt Russell!
My luck wasn't really there for the Gogeta banner as it didn't give me Gogeta, but I did get the TEQ Beerus with rage mode which i've wanted and Teq Golden Frieza and a few other lesser SSRs I can't remember at the moment. I did however do enough summons to get the AGL Syn Shenron super attack maxed out. (I got like 3 per summon)... I already had STR Gogeta, but I really wanted the INT one.
But I only did the Janemba banner once (the first time 3 cards for 10 stones) and I got STR Janemba, AGL Janemba and AGL Android 17 SSR, so i decided not to push my luck and stopped there. The INT Janemba was one of the very first cards I pulled when I started playing. Happy to have all of the Janembas (besides the DBH Baby Janemba)
I'll have to keep this William Wu guy in mind... I'll probably never spend a significant amount of $ on a mobile game, but when they get around to bringing the Ultra Instinct Omen Goku summon to global, I just might then
I went into the summons with just at 800 stones and ended up getting 21 SSRs.Nice, I got really lucky with both banners before it broke again. Two int gogetas, rage trunks, two phy omegas and a third gogeta on the guaranteed ticket! Janembas banner hasnt been as kind though I did get a cooler and ssj4 gogeta! Nowhere near as many ssrs though.
If you spend money on the game I recommend heading over to mobile game whale on facebook and speaking with william wu; guy is a legend, stones at massive discounts, totally legit. Been getting stones from him since the cooler banner. You do have to hand over you account for him to do so though, but I trust him completely, never let me down yet.
I replied in the video game thread.I did look into that, they were only doing that with the ones who were then doing chargeback to keep all the money. Many youtubers do it and some even have shops for it, I don't think they would jeopardize their accounts for it, that's their income after all. I will jump over to the new thread!
Can't believe I'm actually excited about a Dragon Ball Z Yamcha Figuarts.
Does anyone know any 3rd party figures of Puar, Chiaozu & Oolong that will scale well with Yamch & Tan?
Roshi should come with oolong. That's the true.