Super Freak
Thanks! Put in a PO just in case. Will cancel if cheaper through ToyzInTheBox.
Link? I’m not seeing it.
Thanks! Put in a PO just in case. Will cancel if cheaper through ToyzInTheBox.
Link? I’m not seeing it.
Here’s the link for it. It shows unavailable right now but it’ll be back.
Tamashii Nations S.H.Figuarts Great Saiyaman https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H9PYQJH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_KysNBbGWQ98WQ
Intent or not man, the original soundtrack has no soul or power to it; some of the most influential and memorable scenes in dragonball are down to the falconer soundtrack. Granted some are good, like Gohans day of destiny, but the rest tend to be really cheesy. Watching Vegetas sacrifice with falconers score still gives me goosebumps to this day for example.
People like what they like, the dub and its music exists, so lets just leave it at that eh?
Speaking of the anime, anyone watched DBZAs 3 parter ending the Cell Saga? Imo they did it justice, and in parts its actually done better than the official dub (#16s speech and Gokus speech to Gohan)
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I can totally agree with that. You know, i've been watching a lot of the older Dragon Ball content and I've come to realize that I despise Dragon Ball Super's potrayal of Goku, and coming back from the Broly remastered movie today, it's mind boggling how different Z Goku and Super Goku are personality wise. Anyone else have a problem with this as well?
I absolutely agree. Goku could be pretty aloof in Z and definitely had his funny moments, but he knew when to get serious. I feel like in Super they just make him incredibly dumb with very brief moments of seriousness
Did you watch it with the original funimation dub?