S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Tamashii hasn’t been kicking ass with accessories. They’ve started skimming down on some of their releases and especially re-releases. Let’s not forget the Majin Vegeta debacle either. As for the scale, that seems to be off at times too.

Also, that Ginyu is not S.H. Figuarts.
I say that more in regards to the very latest showings, namely Great Saiyaman and Super Buu. They actually gave the fans what they want as far as heads go and for Buu, the scale is surprisingly perfect. Majin Vegeta was definitely an overall letdown but I feel every release after that has been pretty solid. DBS Trunks looks great and comes with two heads and his Spirit Sword. Hercule looks fantastic in both scale and sculpt and even comes with Bee. Fat Buu nailed the scale and is overall an excellent figure all around. Namek Goku 2.0 is also great despite some minor QC issues only some people have experienced.

A figure will never be perfect because someone will ALWAYS find something to complain about. That’s just how we as collectors sometimes are. I’m just saying overall, they’ve only been improving or at least trying to

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Great Saiyaman was a pleasant surprise. Even though I think the SSJ2 hair needs to be styled a bit better, he comes with more than enough accessories, which is a huge deal.

They definitely need to work on including more accessories with all of their re-releases (this includes the MMPR) and various other figures though. It was criminal that Goku Black was missing a few necessary faceplates and at least his divine lasso blade. And why do most of the Vegeta and Goku figures not come with energy blast effects? They just assume people have past releases?

The DBS Trunks did grow on me. Still not a fan of the elbows, but I think they managed to cover all the bases with that one.

The thing with scale still seems to be an issue for them, at times. Gotenks and Kid Goku being the most recent examples. It looks like they nailed Mr Satan and Super Buu though.

Hopefully, they can correct future small-scale figures. Include more accessories to accommodate for the small amount of physical product in the box, because having just Kid Buu, four other hands, a few extra faces (if not outright headsculpts) and an energy blast will probably irk some collectors. Definitely needs to have an extended arm accessory or two, when they get around to making him.
Tamashii hasn’t been kicking ass with accessories. They’ve started skimming down on some of their releases and especially re-releases. Let’s not forget the Majin Vegeta debacle either. As for the scale, that seems to be off at times too.

Also, that Ginyu is not S.H. Figuarts.

I understand Ginyu is not S.H. Figuarts. I will agree with you guys scale and accessories have been on the upward slope as of late, but my point still stands the production copy is never anywhere near the proto except for MAYBE fat Buu.

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The sroe Goku was pretty spot on imo. Tbh I think its a bit harsh to say that only now do they not look like their protos when, lets be honest, they never have. The old ssj3 is a prime example of that.

We have also discussed before how they made the conscious decision to sacrifice paint apps and accessories for new articulation that im pretty sure tamashii reps have already stated cost alot to manufacture.

None of the old figures could get anywhere close to the posability the 2.0s can. Thats the truth. We can complain all we like but fact is that the alternatives are either go back the way or pay even more for the figures. Its that simple im afraid.

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Kid Goku, Yamcha, Tien, Freeza, Black, Roshi, Freeza and Boo have all been great releases for the line this year IMO. Majin Vegeta being the biggest disappointment considering the gigantic hype.

Sure they all have issues (some worse than others) but compared to the old releases of loose joints, arms that popped off, tacky visible nails over white gloves, Tamashii is still making improvements to the line.
I dislike how they don’t apply shading to these figures anymore. Instead they apply a glossy finish, which in my opinion makes it look cheap. I constantly see people modifying their DBZ figuarts to make them look more accurate as they should. That shouldn’t be happening with the prices we’re paying for these
I agree Deeno. I have finally opened my Majin Vegeta and I have to say his articulate is spot on and the best so far then any other. Yes the paint app wasn’t there but man the figure is awesome ... especially the faces.
It was disappointing to see a figure with paint not even close to what has always been shown (Majin esp.), but in hand and posing the figure is awesome. The protos are hand painted and factory will never be the same and shouldn’t be expected.
Gotenks height is disappointing, but I am still looking forward to it and can be toyed with to make him look smaller (crouching and having him more in foreground)
Prototype for Demonical Fit's SSJ Trunks. Looks like he'll come with faces too.
Hmmm... i think ima stick with my Jacksdo hair bootleg. It’s not that much different
So, about people asking for a Size comparison between Ginyu and Goku, there’s that picture :

If I’m taking this as a reference Ginyu’s size is not that terrible...

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Yeah, demoniacal seem to favour just using semi translucent plastic to save themselves the trouble of painting. Hopefully mastered UI Gokus isnt the same deal, though I know the black hair wont be (Vegetas is painted black)
I'm honestly hyped to see how demoniacal does Ultra Instinct Omen and Completed Ultra Instinct. The forms are badass.
True, in Dokkan Battle the silver hair form is simply ultra instinct, but I prefer the MUI term since so many people simply call the "sign" or "omen" form ultra instinct, adding mastered helps differentiate the two.