Kappa and freeza looks great. Vegetas expression looks kinda dumb.
just what i was thinking! we need a "ITS OVER 9,000" face like nappa.
Kappa and freeza looks great. Vegetas expression looks kinda dumb.
Where did those pics come from? Also, anyone see if the plaques still say display only?
Yep they are still for display only.
Oh well; at least they werent one off showings at SDCC then, they may still have a chance of eventually being released. Who knows, maybe these are next years figures.
Also, regular Goku seems to have vanished...AGAIN! Seriously, just release him already Tamashii! Before you forget about him completely!
we tend to take figures with us to conventions when we go to sell. The for display only note on the figures means we are not selling that figure yet. All these are prototypes, that are " being considered" for mass production. Anything not labeled "for display only" we have to sell.
Selling outside of commerce
Yes. They, are for display only, The pics were taken from the last Bandai event in Japan (sorry Du'nno the name)
More pics:
Im sure they'll to 17 they can't give us everything at once lol
Won't ever happen. Japanese toys do not work that way.
I know he isn't a particularly powerful character but I am really loving this Nappa figure. This is kind of the last look he had before Son Goku embarassed him and Vegeta killed him.