Thanks!; you are right, the SDCC Gohan makes the original look ill lol, the face is just so much more colourful! and the clothes are much richer in colour.
I hope we get battle damaged versions down the line. Damaged arm Gohan and shirtless Goku.
Thanks!; you are right, the SDCC Gohan makes the original look ill lol, the face is just so much more colourful! and the clothes are much richer in colour.
OK, finally got my Gohans and original Goku, and managed to paint gohans hair black, although for some reason it came out a bit jagged around the eye area, but it will do for me lol.
The last two thumbnails are my custom cape attempt; as you can see, alot more movement in the arms for just a tad strangeness in the look of it when the arms are flat.
Came out pretty good in my opinion. That SDCC Gohan really is a step up compared to the original release.
nice pix.
so obvious question - where did you get the dragonball???
It's just a plain clear ball from another toy, the rest was photoshopped. It was a sudden idea that just popped in my mind!
It's probably not too hard to custom one though, if you find a fitting marble or one of those clear pearls they use for plants.
Judging from most of the pictures, I prefer the original. But seeing as I've already got someone to buy one for me, I'll wait and see.
The best one is still the prototype colour shown on the box of the original IMO.
Finally took a group shot of the 4 Great Saiyans today. Left Piccolo out, cos' I was too lazy to pull him back out of the box.
Is that the original release of Goku? Looks like the original release's face with the SDCC Goku's body or some sort of inbetween custom?
Well just ordered the first DBZ figure & it isn't even for melol
Ordered my Brother the SDCC Gohan from BBTS so should be getting that soon.
That's his Birthday present sorted
Think I'll get him Trunks for Christmas as well
Better watch; by Christmas Trunks might be much more expensive, has happened before!
Better buying him now and keeping him until christmas for your bro. Cell is also coming out around November so be sure to keep an eye out for him too, he will end up being expensive.
Why would trunks go up?
they will more than likely make a SS trunks which i like better anyways
Vegeta and The SS3 Goku is still available everywhere at lower than SS PO price.