My China Vegeta came yesterday, I'm beside myself seeing how well it's made and how well he blends with the rest of my DBZ figures.
Hilariously the right leg is loose just like the authentic Scouter Vegeta, did they intentionally do that???
Two things that bother me, his eyes aren't outlined like the rest of the figures, I'll take care of that myself with a brown wash then wipe away the excess paint. Also, the white toes (that I've mentioned numerous times before) stick out like a sore thumb (toe?) and I don't have the means to fix that.
But overall, I am surprised that this figure is THIS good. I mean, when you pose him, and hold him, he feels just like a Figuarts (minor aesthetic shortcomings aside) I'm so happy that I have a SSj Vegeta now!
To the stopmotion guy, he can hold a pose, but not for very long because of the loose leg (mine also has a loose abdomen and head, but that's all fixable)
If you don't have a SSj Vegeta, there is no reason not to get this one.