Super Freak
You guys have any idea when is android 17 should be going up for PO?
C'mon Bandai, give us Yamcha and Tenshinhan!
C'mon Bandai, give us Yamcha and Tenshinhan!
niice set up
Some POS on eBay trying to pass off the bootleg Ss vegeta as the real deal
I'm going to try to support everything. I really don't want to pay for Kid Boo and Gotenks, which are probably coming soon, but I want to do everything I can to get a character I want made. If it's going to cost so much for such tiny figures, I feel ripped off, unless it's characters I really really want like Kid Goku and Gohan. I haven't even taken the extra accessories for Krillin, Freeza, or Vegeta out of package. If they release Super Boo he could be paired up with Gotenks, Mystic Gohan,Vegito, Piccolo, Krillin, Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten. I like getting characters that I can pair up together. At least Gotenks could be paired up with Piccolo. Mystic Gohan and Vegito need buddies!
They're banpresto KPman. I think they look great!