Well, guess where regular Goku's gonna be? Get him out to us already Tamashii!
Underneath this shelf are some isolated spots for among other stuff the Twins (directly underneath Cell, on one of my speakers). And then I'm kinda out of current space...

I'll have to rearrange stuff on another spot or move everything entirely if I wanna add any more. And my second saiyan saga Vegeta isn't even on here now. There's one other small spot with strays from all kinds of lines and I guess that's where Saiyan Saga Vegeta will have to wait.

Maybe I'll buy another regular Goku and put those two somewhere else. Or I'll store him to wait and see if Nappa or a propor Saiyan Saga Goku ever get released, dunno yet.
So basically, after this year, my entire collection's core display will be pretty much done... Can't believe I have this many now, having just 3 (which I had for a long time) feels like yesterday.