S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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I flatout DONT pose them fighting against an enemy. I pose thm together as a team, avengers/JL style. Or just in seperate cool poses.

Totally with Bane on this one. Only buying out of sentiment, not OCD or completionism.
Gonna respond to you here Fan!

Like my new Goku hair






Oh that is ****ing awesome fan, I just wish they all had that officially now.
I agree, very awesome. Makes me wonder why they can't just paint it like that instead of giving us that candy corn-esque hair color for the SDCC version. Fan edits always turn out better than the official versions, lol
I tried getting Goku at this convention stall that had a buy 1, get the 2nd 50% off. They sold him out :gah: so I bought Krillin instead, which bugs me. Guess I'll buy him on Amazon. But I'm not sure about when I'll get manga Piccolo, anyone getting him that already has the SDCC variant?

Also wondering, there's a potential manga Gohan re-release right?
Wow. Fan that color is perfect. Mind if I inquire about the details/specifics of the paint?
BRAVO FAN! I LOVE IT! The platinum/bleach blond hair is more iconic and appealing to me.

I'm only concerned for Buu's size. I have the Hybrid Action Buu and it's near-perfectly scaled with Figuarts, so I'm assuming a Figuarts Buu would have to be the same size for accuracy, but I fear they'll make him bigger anyway just to compensate for the resources they put into him. Any bigger than the Hybrid Action version would make him the same height as Frieza, and that will just look very awkward.

I guess the same worries can apply with a potential Goten/Trunks release :/

I'd be worried about how fragile they are too, switching out parts. They're very tiny. Look at Goten:

i guess if they make a goten/trunks/gotenks, they could have the exchanging part be higher up to avoid breakage, changing arms instead of changing hands. and considering how small the faces would be, heads instead of faces.
Very very curious to see what accessories they'll give Buu. I imagine people are gonna be pissed off if he doesn't get stuff like elongated limbs or something.
Perhaps some smoke effects, multiple fists, headswaps, but it would be phat if they also included mini chocolate bars in the shapes of Satan, Vegito, Fat Buu, etc.
Lol, I could see them adding at least one chocolate version.

with almost 60 votes in 3 days (like, wut? way beyond what I hoped), and even taking some swayed votes into account due to discontent with versions listed, I'd say the top 5 is becoming pretty damn clear:

(With Kid Buu and Broly assumed as confirmed.)
Majin Vegeta
Saiyan Armoured Trunks
A Buu era Gohan

I personally think that if I had specified Ultimate Gohan it would've overtaken Trunks but I'm not sure. Anything can still change except that clearly, CLEARLY, Majin Vegeta and Nappa are the winners here. Tien is in a safe third spot though not beyond danger entirely, and Trunks and Gohan are vying for the 4th and 5th spot.

Seriously, if they make these 7 figures after 17 I'd say that's a very smart move for everyone, both the fans and the line's success.

If this keeps up so clearly I might make a follow-up poll with the five winners, and add five new ones. I could then differentiate Ultimate and Saiyaman Gohan, differentiate between Tien versions and add Vegito, ssj2 Goku and perhaps Super Buu, or maybe add Broly back in there as we're not entirely certain he'll get there.

Then we'll REALLY start to get some solid statistical info on what the general consensus is.
If this remains the clear winning top 5 in the poll:

M Vegeta
Older Gohan

Would you guys want to see one follow up poll by adding the following five and seeing how they'd fair against the original five winners?

M Vegeta
Tien (Cell Games)
Gohan Ultimate
Gohan (Seiyaman or another version?)
Tien (Saiyan saga/Android: snap on green vest)
Gotenks (or Goten+Trunks?)
Cooler (or someone else, hard to think of a new tenth one that deserves to be here)

Keep in mind that Nappa still represents Raditz, Majin Vegeta represents ssj2 Goku and Tien still represents Yamcha. (Well I guess Raditz is the least feasible among that, but we'll never get raditz before nappa I'd dare state.)

We can then see how the first top five winners fair against these new five also very popular choices. THEN we'll truly have a really good insight on what the five most wanted figures are on average among this crowd...

If the original five still remain the winning five in the new poll, well then we can definitely make a clear statement as a community.
If this remains the clear winning top 5 in the poll:

M Vegeta
Older Gohan

Would you guys want to see one follow up poll by adding the following five and seeing how they'd fair against the original five winners?

M Vegeta
Tien (Cell Games)
Gohan Ultimate
Gohan (Seiyaman or another version?)
Tien (Saiyan saga/Android: snap on green vest)
Gotenks (or Goten+Trunks?)
Cooler (or someone else, hard to think of a new tenth one that deserves to be here)

Keep in mind that Nappa still represents Raditz, Majin Vegeta represents ssj2 Goku and Tien still represents Yamcha. (Well I guess Raditz is the least feasible among that, but we'll never get raditz before nappa I'd dare state.)

We can then see how the first top five winners fair against these new five also very popular choices. THEN we'll truly have a really good insight on what the five most wanted figures are on average among this crowd...

If the original five still remain the winning five in the new poll, well then we can definitely make a clear statement as a community.

New polls are fine.
Pui Pui and Cui, that sounds like a brilliant sitcom.

Seriously though, I will do this if the poll results remain as clear as they are now. So please, give your feedback, I'm definitely gonna add the two new versions for tien and gohan, but what other 3 didn't make it in the poll we have now that honestly should've been in there? Only DBZ characters or very notable influential DBZ movie favourites, like Broly or Bardock.

So Vegito seems an obvious lack in the first poll, and two more... which 2? Gotenks? Goten+Trunks? Cooler? King Cold? Ginyu (representing the Ginyu Force)? Dende? Popo?


I can make a second poll with 10 new names. and then make a final round between the ten that got the most votes... I mean... if we REALLY wanna get thorough that's the way to do it...

We can then collect all three polls and try to get them to Tamashii via Pwn or something.

(I apparently like doing market research, who knew?:lol)
We could also just add Kid Buu and Broly to see how they'd do and have this as the second final Poll

Kid Buu
Majin Vegeta
Tien Cell Games
Tien saiyan saga + green strap add-on
Armoured Trunks
Gohan Ultimate
Gohan Seiyaman (or blue gi... really, is the blue gi more popular then seiyaman...?)

Special addition: Vegito (because he was sorely lacking on the other poll)

So this^ or switch Kid Buu and Broly for two others and just assume they'll be made like we did now. Or an inbetween poll with ten new names and then make a final third poll out of the ten most popular from those...

You guys let me know which of these three options you want, if any.
Vegito is a given, and I still believe Gogeta has a high chance, due to the fact that by Tamashii's own admission, "Saiyans sell." For some reason I have in my mind Mr. Satan remains a possibility, only because he's so different than the rest of the cast, would come with hilarious facial expressions, he isn't an obscure character at all.