S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Yeah I'm sure there's a legitimate reason for it, we're looking at it purely aesthetically but the engineers have to worry about tooling and functionality. It's already a large figure and the joints can only be so big without altering the dimensions even further or fabricating all new joints just to accomodate a small aesthetics issue.
dont believe nappa will see the light this year, they leaked they are retooling him and it would be 2015 release, Buu on the other hand (or at least a pink enemy) was actually promised by the years end

Don't toy with my emotions. Where was this said?

Ods are, tehy're retooling him to have a torso like Broly there, IF it's true.

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His heigh is 190mm/19 cms. Will be released in November in Japan, i think so In December in USA, Mexico and Europe

That's awesome that he's already slated and that we should see him the year's end.

While I could nitpick this figure, like I could with any of the figures in this line, I'm EXTREMELY happy with it. Especially, the overall scale of the figure. I was worried that they would make him smaller.
Don't toy with my emotions. Where was this said?

Ods are, tehy're retooling him to have a torso like Broly there, IF it's true.

Somebody working at a Tamashii con earlier this month reported that on another forum. They wrote that he would be retooled with armor, but the post got taken down the next day.
Somebody working at a Tamashii con earlier this month reported that on another forum. They wrote that he would be retooled with armor, but the post got taken down the next day.

I much prefer the armor. I wouldn't mind if the armor were removable, but if I had a choice between the 2, I prefer armored.
@Blood Broly looks really good in those two pics. You're display is always amazing, so I'm sure you'll do awesome things with him! I didn't even see that smirk, it looks so cool!
Omfg i can effin wait for broly, loooks INSANE!! Theres a few nitpiks but im too excited for the figure to care really lol, i LOVE how hes in scale too( pic of him holdij on gokus face) AMAZING. Lol this year will be a good one i know it lol
Somebody make me a Paragus custom ASAP

WTF is that real??!!!! ARGHH MY POOR WALLET