S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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this was just leaked. and it look real look at his joints, he is too small but another awesome figure!!
EDIT# you can never be the first to post new on this site lmaoo just saw someone posted this 4 pages back.
I'm didn't see that post either, I think I went into a seizure from looking at the Broly pics too long. Yeah, I'm getting 2 maybe 3 Brolys if I can afford it.

I wasn't going to get #17, but with #16 being released now I'll be ordering #17 now too.
So with Android 16, what do you guys think he should come with, I was thinking maybe a spare head (Not wearable) that was crushed by cell when gohan went super saiyan 2.
#16's head sculpt is what sold me (along with his massive size)

My only critique for him is his legs (thighs specifically) They are nearly anatomically correct, but that's now now Toriyama drew them :/
Wow, just wow; they really are pulling out all the stops arent they? Maybe this is signalling the dbz figuarts will get more releases per year from now on.

16 looks good; hopefully he has a damaged face too, then we could get ascended Vegeta and Trunks along with a 2nd form Cell.

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Wow, just wow; they really are pulling out all the stops arent they? Maybe this is signalling the dbz figuarts will get more releases per year from now on.

16 looks good; hopefully he has a damaged face too, then we could get ascended Vegeta and Trunks along with a 2nd form Cell.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

Oh man I hope so! They're just killing it man!


He looks AWESOME!!! Wow, well, those few people who voted for him in my poll must be laughing really hard right now!:lol

Holy ****.

Does anybody know the release date? 2015 I imagine?

It wasn't in my top 5 wanted list but it sure is cool they're completing the trio.
A16 looks amazing! Definite buy for me. Will probably skip Broly though, space on my shelves is at a premium and I'm really not keen on those shoulders.
I love the fact that they made him look more manga like, imo, and very much like an Android. I can't wait to see what other expressions he has. He better come with a damaged head.