Super Freak
Is that an official sdcc13 list?
Its what was listed as an option on their sdcc13 survey.
Is that an official sdcc13 list?
Think that happened cause he's a givem, we should vote for those less likely to be made unless the demand is there. Like Broli, Nappa for the sheer size. If one gets made the other one is more like to be made because they'll have the basic buckTamashii's sdcc13 survey list:
1.) Majin Boo
2.) Vegito
3.) Gogeta
4.) Brolly
5.) Ultimate/ Mystic Gohan
6.) Raditz
7.) Bardock
8.) 1st form Frieza
9.) 1st form Cell
10.) Android 16
11.) Shenron
12.) Great Saiyaman
13.) Gotenks
14.) Goten and Kid Trunks
15.) Capatin Ginyu
16.) Kid Goku
17.) Super Saiyan 4 Goku
Same numbered list based on our poll:
Majin Vegeta
Kid Buu
Ultimate Gohan
Saiyaman/tournament Gohan
Armoured Trunks
Android 16
Android 17
Android 18
1st Form Cell
SS4 Goku
I've underscored entries on both lists. To my amazement I just realised NO ONE voted Super Buu in our poll. Some interesting differences here.
Its what was listed as an option on their sdcc13 survey.
Sadly, no. He has said it takes to long and the figures are too expensive. But he could have changed this by now
Nope, I asked him back when he did customs from ultimate figure series figures, and his reply was that he made them for fun, and that they werent for sale.
Nice you got something else in time Neil! Hope you get it sorted out.
What seller Neil?
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