S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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I was trying to find out when the SSJ Goku reissue was announced and saw sites having the solicits on January 9. Hopefully we get some news. I'm hoping for a SSJ Vegeta re-issue.

I too have been trying to find this out..... I wasn't sure whether they announced the SSJ Goku re-release well in advance (like the other releases) or whether the announcement came when the figures started to hit the shelves again? Either way I hope we hear some news, positive or negative very soon!
Whatbis this trailer that's being mentioned? Has battle of the gods been dubbed and planned for U.S. release?
Yeah we're talking about the re release of SSJ Goku (manga) from last year. Hopefully they see sense and do the same for SSJ Vegeta. To be honest at this point I just want to know if Tamashii have ANY plans whatsoever to make him again, as if not I will have to bite the bullet and start saving for a scalper....
SSJ Vegeta is an essential figure for me, and the only one (apart from SDCC Goku) that I don't have, but I really don't want to pay £200 plus if they might announce a re release in the near future and then suddenly you can get him for £30-£40..... If there's no plans to re release the figure I'd rather find out sooner than later.

Super excited for 18 though, looks like she's going to be a great figure! Maybe there is a chance of a smiling SSJ Goku face if 18 does come with another head for Krillin.... Would be awesome if normal Goku came with it!
I don't think they should nor want a live action db adaptation for exactly what's happening here already: the drawing style is too ambiguous for people to agree on who to cast. That style is just not translatable to real life imo. I too don't think saiyan's look japanese or asian at all, but obviously asian people will and the material comes from asia/japan. It's a problem that occurs with much more anime. Take gundam wing's heero yuy for example, that guy looks like a fairly varage western guy to me but obviouly the writer saw that differently. And as racist as it might sound it is in large part do to the eyes...

It's almost like the dub, it's just no use to even talk about it, the anime was drawn in such a way that western people recognised themselves in it (and that happens to more anime) and there's nothing to do about that, nor wrong with it. This anime is just not adaptable in a way that the majority would agree upon, because of both the ambiguity if the style and the different history with dubs/tone between west and east. It's pretty useless...

But if you wanna know, and I'm gonna make people laugh and/or really pissed off so just ignore it if you disagree, but I think a young daniel day-lewis and a young colin ferrall would be pretty good for adult goku and vegeta respectively. The reaction of a lot of people to this comment alone will prove my point that this conversation is pointless. So again I'll state for the record: I do NOT want a live action adaptation of db, ever. I'm totally fine and content with anime.

Also, what Lerath says.:rotfl

Edit: also, how hard is it to find actors that both look alike and can scream well? Because if you get the japanese screaming in a live action cast, I'm sorry I'd die of laughter...
Actually, I'm gonne drive the hate through the roof and say I could also seriously see young tom cruise for vegeta.:lol

On a less provoking note, are there any known half japanese/half western actors?

Also I'd say krillin and tien are chinese, not japanese... Especially Tien..

Bulma? Western to me... So there's an even bigger example of why anime is too ambiguous. Androids? Look western to me... You could go on, or I'm now mostly going on:lol, but my overarching point is this is useless I think.:rotfl
If there's a really negative reaction, it has nothing to do with your choices. Why are you holding on a time travel machine to get younger versions of actors? At least use it to kick Hitler in the groin or something.

There's negative reaction to every cast choice. Thousands of people hated Heath Ledger being the Joker, and blew most away. I've heard a lot of awful ideas for cast choices, but that doesn't mean I don't want it made.

Personally, I would much rather have a hand drawn in cannon animated movie that's over 2 hours.
DBZ is one of those things that should not be translated to live action.

Totally agree - I really don't think it would work for me as a live action film, aside from the casting issues that Silrian has already brought up (I guess Tom Cruise would be short enough for Vegeta:lol) the animation style is one of the main reasons I liked DBZ in the first place. Some things are just better left alone...
Only thing I'd want new from this franchise is an actual tournament saga like in db where everyone competes in good spirit, and we see all chars at their best (so post buu period). Everyone would compete. Trunks and goten would compete as gotenks, even with supreme kai and pikkon in there. Like one massive insane long ultimate tournament. Where it gets more technical again and all characters can recieve shining fighting moments. As a celebration if the franchise. Other than that a canon rendition/reimagining of the gt-dragon enemies. I don't really need anything else from this franchise anymore. I just don't see what else is left to be done with these characters.

Any news on when BoG will get an english dub?
There was news announced yesterday that it's coming to 26 more countries! No word on a dub yet! I can't wait for it though. I love the Kai dub so much, so I can't wait to hear some top notch performances!
I'd expect Battle of Gods to arrive in America later this year. And while everyone's discussing a live-action film, I'm more interested in a possible "Battle of Gods 2"

[SPOILER3]For those that haven't watched it yet, at the end, Bills/Birisu/Beerus/Whatever tells Goku that they are currently in the 7th universe (meaning, everything that has happened from the start of Dragonball up until that point takes place in the 7th universe). There are 12 universes in total, each universe having their own unique God of Destruction. He goes on to say that in these universes, there are surely way more powerful beings than even himself and Whis. Goku awkwardly laughs and passes out.

This leaves it wide open for future sequels. But, how would they go about making those? How does one exactly travel between universes, and for what purpose? According to the movie, there's still a lot left to be explored. Also, Bills is gonna wake up in 3 years, so what will happen then?[/SPOILER3]
Me too! I don't care about a live action film. I think it would be best to continue in movies, so Toriyama doesn't have to feel rushed. I was happy how DBZ ended and thought it should be left alone. Then when I watched Battle of Gods I wanted much more! I think it would be awesome to have Battle of Gods the first of a trilogy. Then unchain Toriyama from the writer's room!
And those pics broke my phone :lol

Really though, great display Silrian; I think its the head honestly that makes him look out of scale, but hes kind of like that in the anime when you think about it.

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