S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Jeez, you're not exactly setting your hopes high. I mean, here; your wish has been granted!:slap


I knew that exists, but do you know if it's in scale with the Figuarts Frieza? Meaning, does it make Figuarts Frieza look tiny in comparison?

Should Tamashii decide to make one "for display only," then I'm sure they'll make it absolutely huge, possibly the same length as their Shenron (I know we still have no clue how big that thing exactly is, but judging from the Figuarts Zero statues that were displayed next to it, I'd say it's gotta be damn near 4 feet long. I mean just look at that thing!)
Krillian's orange makes me nervous, the image very saturated and yet his Gi is much brighter than the release.
This Gi matches Normal Goku's Gi

Are they doing a SDCC Krillian? I want to be wrong.


I would not be surprised if this is the case.
Tamashii arent THAT bad, if he does get a repaint it will be next year or the year after, whenever they redo Goku :lol

Seriously though, its a proto Krillin they have reused; I remember seeing thay coloured go before and being disappointed when the release had the redder gi lol.

Also, I never get why 18 is always depicted with that blue outfit when a figure is made, she only had it on for like one episode before Vegeta ruined it :lol, only the future android 18 wore that outfit.
You make a good case... If he had the option of the removable cape and regular head, like how he appears on Babidi's ship then I guess that wouldn't be too bad.....and I say 'probably pass' but I've come so far with this line now that the completionist in me may well rear it's ugly head lol! He would be a figure I would be less excited about though... I'd much prefer a Dabura figure, but I think the chances of that are pretty darn low, unless this line goes for years and years....

Of course great saiyaman if released better come with gohan head lol he is gohan and another helmet head or maybe just a removable helmet ( like Star Wars black series 1 like ) and a removable cape like piccolo . I like the look when he takes the helmet off oh and some shades . Then he has the costume when they go for majin buu before they release him .
@silrian and @big_deano yes we have been waiting for normal Goku for a long time ! And it's a shame that first released goku didn't come an ssj head like trunks . But hey it's coming and with an effect now .
@silrian and @big_deano yes we have been waiting for normal Goku for a long time ! And it's a shame that first released goku didn't come an ssj head like trunks . But hey it's coming and with an effect now .
Did you get my pm?

Say, with #17 i could be possible that we'll get an armored Trunks for SDCC (I would like the buff one) :)
A great saiyaman would be great! Well only great if it did in fact come with an interchange able Gohan head, and removable cape as most of you have mentioned but for this year I feel they are going to go with either a trunks or ssj vegeta (majin?) re release for sdcc and then number 17 seeing as that would make most sense do to the arc and all, that being said I just want this line to continue, so whatever figure is released I will support and purchase:)
I wonder how much Nappa and Shenron would retail for. Just the thought of it makes my wallet cry ;__;
Maybe Shenron is what they'll release for the 30th anniversary. His power is pretty maximum. I'm happy for those who want him, but I'd be very disappointed. If they want to release a Oozaru in the future, I'd be interested, but I'd rather have them give us main characters in the different arcs first.
So, as promised here's a review of my new Kuji Saiyan Space Capsule. I was warned of its size, however I did not heed such warnings and of that I am so glad! Yes, it is absolutely humongous and most probably not perfectly scaled for the SH Figuarts line, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Its sheer size makes it an truly impressive sight to behold. The detail and paintwork of this capsule is far superior to the Irwin pod and is very faithful to the anime rendering, down to the very last button. Once you pop the door open to reveal the amazing interior you will not regret adding this to your collection. It is almost as though it was purpose made for Figuarts Vegeta, who fits in there very comfortably. All in all, I love this piece! Although, it's not something that makes for an easy display piece, due to its size.







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ZOMG!!! that is HUGE!

It fits Vegeta quite nicely, but I doubt Nappa will fit (perhaps bare Nappa would, but if he has armor...forget it)

Anybody have pics of the Krillian figure side by side with Frieza? I need to get a better sense of his scale, he's next on my hit list.
Maybe Shenron is what they'll release for the 30th anniversary. His power is pretty maximum. I'm happy for those who want him, but I'd be very disappointed. If they want to release a Oozaru in the future, I'd be interested, but I'd rather have them give us main characters in the different arcs first.

The "his power is maximum" statement is a pretty obvious hint at Broly; it comes from some kid saying it in a newspaper and it soon became a meme, it wouldnt be for anything else.

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