S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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I was surprised that you said you'd be set with just Saiyan Saga Goku, because you being such a Cell arc fan, you got to have that Trunks! I would be so happy if SDCC was SSJ Vegeta and the year ended with Trunks.

I think the reason why it never struck me like most people, I thought it was the same as that great moment when he went all out on Freeza's final form and then after seeing Freeza kick his attack away, he froze in mid-air and then started crying. It felt like "We already did this." It was a good moment, but I didn't find it special, since he just did the same sort of thing.

The difference is that frieza wasn't created by Vegeta, he was just around, but cell was let made perfect as a conscious choice of vegeta's own will to be challenged. His final flash and it failing is his direct own fault. And that is what makes it character development for vegeta. Frieza made the hell he was born in, but cell is a hell he walked into himself. Essentially his final flash is an attack against his own arrogance. And as seen, you always lose that battle.

That's what made his fight against cell so strong and that's what makes cell such a strong villain to me, he has multiple personal existential ties to all the z fighters. And he literally embodies some of them too. He's like a walking mirror confronting everyone with themselves.

Only when Vegeta decides to forfeit his pride, his arrogance, and decides helping gohan against cell is more im portant than his selfish codes, THAT is when he truly deals with his past. And it's during a 'tournament' no less. It's back to the character-developing fights of dragonball. Fights with depth, with wisdom behind them.

In so many ways, to me, Cell is the perfect final dragonball z enemy.

(FTR I never claim to know how Toriyama meant it, I just voice what I see and appreciate in it.)
I understood that, but I appreciate the excellent explanation! I also love how the characters are at they're "worst", and Cell brought all that out. You already explained Vegeta, but with Gohan he always brought his power out just for revenge purposes, and when he turned SSJ2, not only was he fueled by vengeance, he wanted Cell to suffer. I loved how Goku sacrificed himself and basically died for their "sins". I think the Cell arc is Toriyama's best work with his most interesting character developments, best plotting, and use of the characters. For his work specifically, I felt like it was on a different level and think it was the best note to end.

That's good that you do that though! Show, don't tell!
I agree, though partly it's so strong because of all before it of course. When I rewatched dragonball lately, and realised the manga is just dragonball, I feel everything from dragonball episode 1 to the last episode of the Z's cell saga fits together brilliantly. Like, as a whole it begins and ties up so much, almost everything. It ends with Gohan as the new generation, saving the world like his dad against king piccolo. It's pretty damn perfect, it gave me a renewed appreciation quality-wise for the dragonball anime franchise.

That ^ is what I'm a fan of. Everything afterward, as well as gt, or the movies, just doesn't get to me much. Purely personal. I like things that feel complete to me.

Except vegeta's atonement and seeing gohan older, but especially the later is merely bonus material from my pov and vegetas atonement, while fantastic, feels very isolated in a period for which I feel there wasn't really a true story to be told anymore. If vegeta didn't have that moment I could happily fully ignore the existence of anything dragonball after cell, which is kinda too bad for me.
Agree with everything, the android and cell sagas are probably the best Toriyama has done; I would have said the frieza saga was his best but it just drags on so much it gets annoying at points.

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This shot is where the dragonball franchise's main story ends for me personally, this ending shot is so freakin perfect, it's cinema level storytelling.

You just can't top a story that comes to a close this well.
It would have been a good ending, but im still glad it continued; Vegeta finally coming to terms with his life on earth and becoming friends with Goku was one of the best points of the buu saga.

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I agree! That's just how much I loved Final Atonement so much. It just gave me hope that all the jerks in my life, who really messed me up, would change to being something great and that's why that moment meant so much to me. Plus, I have a lot of pride and I saw myself in Vegeta and it made me want to let it go. It's a difficult struggle and Vegeta's development embodied that so well. I didn't even like SSJ3 Goku or Vegetto until this board. I actually got convinced on a lot of things to like in the Boo arc. I still hate Gotenks, but you gave a good explanation why he's a good character. Seeing Goten and Trunks reminded me of all the good times I had when I was a kid, before things I started getting a bunch of health problems, and the only time I felt normal. And with Gohan, I'm a huge super hero fan, so I loved that stuff and his relationship with Videl. Goku hugging Goten was such a special moment because I didn't have my dad around growing up, so seeing him watch his sons fight and praise them got to me. This probably sounds stupid, but those were some reasons why I gravitated to the Boo arc so much and was defensive. But like I said, I agree with you. As the complete "Dragon Ball" story, it would have ended on a great note!

I love this series so much, so I still am interested in the movies and TV specials. The only one I didn't like was Fusion Reborn. And I love SSJ4 Goku and liked the Bebi saga for an alternate universe.
All the stuff on Vegeta, great discussion guys. I love the points everyone made, it's part of why I love him...............and need SSJ Vegeta re-released! Lol.
Hey guys, Thank you I'll try it as soon as I get home, right now I'm using some kind of plastic wrap, it have been working better than paper... I'm just a really perfectionist when it comes to figures... *sigh*
Changing topic, here is my little SH Figuarts DB Collection :p (and some extra, I own almost every Hybrid Action DB figure and Krillin is still in his box)

And here is another thing, what do you guys think about the scale? I think gotenks is really small... And I don't really like the King Cold figure, luckily I found it for 10 bucks hahahaha

That King Kold is actually one of the rarest jakks pacific figures out there, so for $10 he was a steal lol

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Also that moment with the the rich guy and his servant, shoot the innocent old couple is brilliant in my opinion. People taking advantage of others who are already facing horrible misfortunes is awful. I loved how they showed people camping out together without electricity and homes, trying to survive through the rumble from Boo's destruction. The Spirit Ball was also incredible with the heroes pleading for people to help, and them refusing to help save themselves. Just after being saved, they lacked any gratitude. It just made me think of God. Then I thought of the Futurama quote-

“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.”

I like the Boo arc, but I think you guys here, have known that!
Yeah I was thinking in selling him or something I knew he was like one of the rarest, it was from a guy I knew who was selling his collection, it is a little bit damaged but I couldn't say no...
Valord do you have D-Arts Charizard? Because I see the other Pokemon D-arts...and some Nintendo figmas plus Megaman! everything plus Dragon Ball is pretty great :clap
Looks like he has his "smash bro" set up above his dbz set up lol i got the same thing goin on aswell minus megaman, on a side note one figure i dont think ive ever seen made ( thats not a statue) is frieza 3rd form, I think that would look really cool lol
My first DBZ figuarts was SDCC Gohan.

I felt that I missed out completely on the line, and it looked like SDCC Gohan would be the last remnant, I thought to myself "If I could only have one of these, it would have to be this Gohan, if this is the last of the line at least I would have the best Gohan ever made" And to my surprise, the line continued and the rest is history :)
My gateway into Figuarts addiction was Perfect Cell - still my favourite from this line after getting all the others, although there's a few that come very close....

Received my SSJ Vegeta today:rock
Man am I happy to FINALLY have this figure..... I paid a hefty sum for it, but it was at least genuine and completely mint in the shipper box too. It's also my first gold stickered box (all my others have been silver) although I did buy it straight from Japan.... He's a great figure - so solid and the paint apps are perfect. I agree a forward facing shouting face would have been nice, but I'm honestly just delighted to finally have this version of Vegeta. Only SDCC Goku that I'm missing now, but I'm more than happy with my manga version of him....

I managed to get every single one at retail price. Well probly SDCC Goku I purchased for 80$ Early last year.

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