Ok wolvie9

Let´s begin.
First than nothing, i am very excited with all this release, like everyone because this will be the first year that will release more than 3, 4 (with sdcc) in one year, so congratulations to Bandai.
Now talking about the things it really matter.
I am going try to talk about each figure by order:
1- Namek Goku -> Nothing to say xD i am going to buy him, but not two, only one because will be too much money. Who can buy two, do it, because if i could, i really buying it.
2- Mystic Gohan -> No way, i have sdcc Gohan ssj2, which is the Gohan that i really want it and i am not going to buy a figure just because have a different head.
3- SsGSs Goku -> No, because is a character that should never exist and the movie (ROF and BOG) only help me more, with the deciding not buy him, also because the movie should never exist too. Knowing also it is a increase of power and not really a transformation, well, definetly not.
ssgss2 goku and ssgss3 goku and ssgss4 goku are coming and i would not buy any of them, certainly!
4- God Freezer -> Worst character done! the great Freezer, with gold skin! instead his transformation be similar of his brother! Shame! This figure make me more angry, than any other. I don't want talk more about this piece of #h)t!!
5- SsGSs Vegeta -> for what i know, still not have a release date, but i would not buy him too, for the same reason with SsgSs Goku.
6- Beerus (Bills) -> According with i say before, if i follow my rule, i would not buy this too, but he appearance in the two movies and it looks will continue in Dragon Ball Super, and it´s a new character and looks nice. I am considering him for now like a bad guy, even help them against Freezer, but he first wanted to destroy the earth if i am not rung but yes i will buy this guy too when they release him.
7- Jacco -> about Jacco, i never read manga, i don´t know really nothing about him, and not look so nice, so no!
8- Shenron -> i want Anime Shenlong with green beard and not red! so even if they release this Shenron, i would not buy he too.
9- Nappa -> No, because no strikes me as most by what I see but yes could be nice get him with scouter vegeta (i not have scouter vegeta, but even get it) Not.
10- SSj4 Goku -> Yes! nothing more to say, only Perfect 100%.
11- Vegeta SSj (Adv) -> Positive, body with Blue like anime / Negative, hair too much metallic (i prefer the old version hair) and the tip of the boots, should have the lines. Would not be complete without the lines.
12- Trunks (Adv) -> Positive, the body looks more shadow but nice (not too much different in my opinion) / Negative, the only real difference i saw until now is the hair (looks like his first transformation against Freezer) and like Vegeta Ssj (Adv) i prefer the old version hair!
13 - The Awakening Goku Ssj -> what can i say? Wow! but........... Looks nice and everything, but......
for me is not what i want. First is a Manga colour and i want anime colour like sdcc 2015 (namek goku) on the boots. I read some of you don´t care about, and could buy he even if he come with hard pink and whatever, i am not like all of you. i want the anime colour and not paint anything and not buy any bootleg. I just want official Anime, if i must wait for that, i will wait, also how do you know, i prefer without blue t-shirt. Exist people who want with blue t-shirt too, but i want not, so what can i say? the details look nice but still must progrees (Like Vegeta Ssj (adv) and Trunks), if they could make him with the option of getting out like Picollo´s cape and Gohan´s cape, could be nice and in that scenery yes i buy him, but like it looks now, well i do not. I am not saying i would not buy him a 100%, but talking me more about him, what the opinion from all of you? to you think they will release another version of him without t-shirt blue like i want? no? why not? maybe they would not do another because they could also make with all t-shirt blue too (we could get the three awakening goku damage) :S Maybe they do it the middle and not release any more of that epic moment (so bad, so sad for me) and only in that case yes only left me buy him.
I think it´s all, i wait say everything clear and without mistakes, that everyone understand and not became angry with my opinion.
Remember, everyone does what they want. Everything i say it´s just my opinion and my feels.
Ps: i think i can explain better my opinion about awakening Goku, but the essential is there, so...
Thank you very much!
with regards