on the topic of ssj goku mold degradation, Im a little surprised and not at the same time. I have the first release of that figure and the joints are super tight! so tight in fact that moving the waist joint or legs sounds like ratchet joints and it scares me lol Interestingly gohan only has 1 reissue and 1 sdcc but his mold degraded way faster, maybe due to being smaller? i also have a mint 2nd or 3rd reissue, not sure what to do with it, but might use it with datong ssj3 head if the colors of the arms and long neck peg bother me enough. Any of you guys think that they may have multiple goku molds for the different figures they use it for?
Also on the topic of figma, i tend to think figma has trouble with more realistic looking faces. For example indiana jones and solid snake. Both those faces arent very good, although prototypes and prototype pictures looked fantastic especially for snake. I was gonna jump on buying figma snake but i saw what a crap shoot it is for his face sculpt and decided not to get it till i can see it in person. I looked up alot of reviews and some people have really bad faces and some people got lucky and got decent faces, very disappointing. Also, just compare figma bruce lee to figuarts bruce lee, i think so far figuarts does a better job of realistic looking faces.
sorry for the long post, was just catching up on the forum haha.