S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Guess I'm in the shrinking minority that wishes Dragon Ball Super would disappear and not come back. I feel it's added nothing interesting to the Dragon Ball storyline. Vegetto did peak my interest but then it was kill a few minutes later. I don't plan to collect anything but DBZ products from now on. I will probably will pass on figure-rise SS4 Vegeta as well since I didn't like DBGT much either.
Guess I'm in the shrinking minority that wishes Dragon Ball Super would disappear and not come back. I feel it's added nothing interesting to the Dragon Ball storyline. Vegetto did peak my interest but then it was kill a few minutes later. I don't plan to collect anything but DBZ products from now on. I will probably will pass on figure-rise SS4 Vegeta as well since I didn't like DBGT much either.
Ok. Go away

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Guess I'm in the shrinking minority that wishes Dragon Ball Super would disappear and not come back. I feel it's added nothing interesting to the Dragon Ball storyline. Vegetto did peak my interest but then it was kill a few minutes later. I don't plan to collect anything but DBZ products from now on. I will probably will pass on figure-rise SS4 Vegeta as well since I didn't like DBGT much either.

Super has gotten better since the Future Trunks arc although that too had its downfalls (thought the ending was rushed and lazy). The god stuff is interesting and SSB has grown on me. I feel like it has the capability to be really good but so far it's kind of fallen short. It just seems ridiculous at times even for Dragon Ball standards. It's like it gets good at moments and then finds some way to **** it up. I'm still glad we've got some new material even it is is somewhat lackluster.

Not really excited for the universal tournament. Kinda feels like the other tournament expect at a larger scale with higher stakes. Feels too soon to have yet another tournament. Also the outcome is already known since obviously Universe 7 is going to win. Just repetitive at this point and unimaginative.

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Can anyone post a picture of the recent Banpresto Dramatic Showcase release of Majin Vegeta hugging Trunks next to a Figuarts so I can see if it's close to scale? Or simply confirm they're to scale or not if you happen to own both. :) I know the previous Dramatic Showcase Ginyu Force figures scaled pretty damn close to Figuarts and those were awesome. Thanks in advance.
Knowing Tamashii they will make this in an elaborate display case, just like they did with that giant Genki Dama setup they showed off, among others such as Goku departing the spaceship on Namek, etc.

View attachment 313030

Don't get too excited when we see this tho, cuz like so many others it'll be for "display only"

I don't believe any of those display pieces were commissioned or owned by Tamashii Nations. I thought somebody got confirmation from a worker at an event that they're custom made displays/pieces from fans?
Can anyone post a picture of the recent Banpresto Dramatic Showcase release of Majin Vegeta hugging Trunks next to a Figuarts so I can see if it's close to scale? Or simply confirm they're to scale or not if you happen to own both. :) I know the previous Dramatic Showcase Ginyu Force figures scaled pretty damn close to Figuarts and those were awesome. Thanks in advance.

I've seen them in person and they're not in scale at all unfortunately

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I've seen them in person and they're not in scale at all unfortunately

Bummer :/ Thanks for the quick reply, a store not far from me called me to let me know they received them, I'll drop by and see for myself since I can sometimes cheat a bit using false perspective, but I'm pretty sure it won't fit in the collection now.

Sad about this pair and the Resolution of Soldiers awesome Mr Satan not being close to Figuarts scale, those were awesome pieces.

Here's to hoping Scultures 7 mid-tranformation Broly and Mr Satan are better in that regard!
Bummer :/ Thanks for the quick reply, a store not far from me called me to let me know they received them, I'll drop by and see for myself since I can sometimes cheat a bit using false perspective, but I'm pretty sure it won't fit in the collection now.

Sad about this pair and the Resolution of Soldiers awesome Mr Satan not being close to Figuarts scale, those were awesome pieces.

Here's to hoping Scultures 7 mid-tranformation Broly and Mr Satan are better in that regard!

I wouldn't bet on Scultures 7 scaling well with S.H.Figuarts. The scaling for the figures are all over the place. Broly is going to be huge, even though he is a rather larger character in general. The closest one to S.H.Figuarts scale may be Piccolo.

Tamashii Nations will more than highly likely release Hercule, Saiyan Saga Goku, Dragon Ball Bulma, and Saiyan Saga (battle damaged) Piccolo. Very doubtful for normal Broly. I see Super Saiyan 4 Broly happening before his normal form.
I don't believe any of those display pieces were commissioned or owned by Tamashii Nations. I thought somebody got confirmation from a worker at an event that they're custom made displays/pieces from fans?

Who knows, but what I meant was that Tamashii loves to display elaborate settings/dioramas/environments for their figures, almost with a "hey guys look what we are capable of" mentality. With really no intentions on releasing any of those set pieces. Zamasu might be in that category (not the character itself, but that gigantic ki halo he was seen with). Imagine seeing that exact image I posted in physical form, with lights and all. With a Goku Black figure posed fighting off Trunks, another Goku Black but in SSRose form fighting SSB Vegeta, etc. underneath the massive Merged Zamasu setup. Paint that image in your mind and tell me it won't be an impressive display & people here will lose their minds :lol
Guess I'm in the shrinking minority that wishes Dragon Ball Super would disappear and not come back. I feel it's added nothing interesting to the Dragon Ball storyline. Vegetto did peak my interest but then it was kill a few minutes later. I don't plan to collect anything but DBZ products from now on. I will probably will pass on figure-rise SS4 Vegeta as well since I didn't like DBGT much either.

Am sorry to hear that. Everything is subjective and you can't please everyone. If the storyline doesn't interest you then maybe you can stay for the character designs or fight scenes
Yeah, I dunno, the more I think about it, the more I realize I really dont like Fused Zamasus design. Its odd and boring all at once imo. I like Goku black and Zamasus designs, but the Goku hair just doesnt suit a Kai character imo.
I agree Fused Zamasu is kind of a boring design...but you can't expect much from combining those two characters, I actually am not to fond of Zamasu's design either. Mostly because he has the same 'look' as all the Kai's. He started looking better once he got more monstrous.
Yeah like Bardoon said, you couldn't do much with Fusion Zamasu. They tried to add in Goku Black's aspects like the SSJ Rose hair, and allegedly people say they see his jawline and a few other details. But if you just show the face, unlike Vegito who has a decent mixture of Goku and Vegeta, you probably couldn't tell Fusion Zamasu from the regular one. The monster part works though, it really does separate him from Vegito, Elder Kai and Kibito Kai as potara fusions.
Guess I'm in the shrinking minority that wishes Dragon Ball Super would disappear and not come back. I feel it's added nothing interesting to the Dragon Ball storyline. Vegetto did peak my interest but then it was kill a few minutes later. I don't plan to collect anything but DBZ products from now on. I will probably will pass on figure-rise SS4 Vegeta as well since I didn't like DBGT much either.

Someone other than a member of the Son family more or less finished off the main villain of an arc... that's more out of the box than DBZ ever was. I'm not saying it's better, but by no means does it need to go away.
Someone other than a member of the Son family more or less finished off the main villain of an arc... that's more out of the box than DBZ ever was. I'm not saying it's better, but by no means does it need to go away.

Technically two people if you count spooky cloud Zamasu as a separate defeat.
That's what seems to be the case. Him resetting/erasing that reality was the only way to truly destroy Zamasu.

But on another note, I refuse to believe Zeno is the "god of everything" yet. Zeno's only "god" until Toriyama or his assistants come up with something beyond him, like they've always done :lol recall at one point they led us to believe Supreme Kai was "above everyone else" too. Then Beerus was supposed to be the ultimate fighter, till they reveal Whis is even stronger than him, then they reveal there are stronger gods of destruction, then they reveal the Daishinkan or whatever is even stronger than Whis, rinse, repeat, etc. etc. This "I am the strongest being ever, but there is still someone stronger than me" idea is a common trope in Dragon Ball.

All we need is an episode where Zeno reveals that he's just the current caretaker, and his dad is the "true god" or some nonsense. Which is entirely possible.
One thing I believe, is that Goku and Co. will never reach Zeno level. I mean at that point, what is the point?

Although you're probably right about him not being the end all be all. The twelve universe might be only one cosmic bubble of an infinite number. There seems to be a supervisor over everything so I'd assume Tori is the final say in everything, kinda like how in Marvel the true God would be Stan Lee or whoever.

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