S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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imo the SSGod prototype looked better than this new iteration. And SHENRON FINALLY
While it is wonderful that we get to see updated versions of so many figures and a couple new figures, it leaves me wondering about the other 10 figures they showed a while ago. Like the 2 Buus would have been perfect in the shelf named after their saga, Jaco, Vados, and Champa would have been perfect in the Super shelf, I would have loved to see a DBGT shelf, They could have changed the Xenoverse shelf to a games shelf and had SS3 Vegeta there or at least made it a dual shelf of games, maybe put Porunga next to Shenron, and Angel Goku could have just been there. I feel like it sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm just giving suggestions on what they could have done with their other prototypes. Now I am complaining that they didn't have Broly here in his own movie shelf or at least on the big display piece nor did they have Cell Saga Tien and Yamcha.


Why isnt majin vegeta in SS2? thats the super saiyan hair sculpt

Because they just don't care about updating it just for that I guess. That is too bad but I did fully expect it.

Man, what a display lol. Granted, without a release date we still don't know much and no new ones were given I think, right?
Yamcha and Tien both require different torsos for Saiyan Saga and Cell Saga versions, so are they going to do separate releases or are they going to pack in both torsos? I honestly feel like separate releases would be best because people who want both versions are going to buy 2 of each anyway and people who don't want both have the option for the one they want.
I also prefer the slimmer frame of the original SS God proto, but at this point i'd take it. To me it's a shame that transformation is so easily cast aside as inferior, it's probably my favorite since SS2.
Looks better! The face, the eyes!! ^^. But not shorter :(
And they fixed the color of the uniform too, and added the turtle patch.

But yeah he needs to be shorter and chubbier dammit, is there's any chance they'll still fix that?

That kid Goku looks great, and it looks like he might come with a nimbus!
I think that's just for display, but I sure hope so.
36 dollars!? That's a really dope price if that's not an event-exclusive one! I cannot ****ing wait to own this ssj3 Goku, ignoring the knee joints, this thing is a home run, from what I can tell I love the slight sheen they gave his hair. No excessive shading, just pure ssj3 radiance.

Btw if you put the ssj3 goku head on the ssg body, you pretty much have DBS ssj3 right? (Incl the symbols I mean.)

"Meet Vegeta Jr!"

(I never realized this but Tien's had his tribeam since DB, why the **** did he not use that on the saiyins?:lol)
Silrian, that price tag is from Figuarts ZERO. They made a mistake putting it there with SHF figures.
Btw if you put the ssj3 goku head on the ssg body, you pretty much have DBS ssj3 right? (Incl the symbols I mean.)

"Meet Vegeta Jr!"

(I never realized this but Tien's had his tribeam since DB, why the **** did he not use that on the saiyins?:lol)

He did... after his hand was punched off, and Chiaotzu died, he used a one hand variant of it putting all of his life force into it and fired at Nappa, once he'd seen Nappa had survived he collapsed and died on the spot.

UGH:rotfl :slap: oh well, thankfully I don't mind much.

@FuxG He did? Wow I totally forgot about that. Guess I should rewatch the series sometime.

Oh duh, forgot the turtle patch was already there.

I don't know, I'm not blown away here, looks like they used this as reference, but the hair ins't the same.


It needs to be shorter and chubbier, and the hair needs to be less defined, that hair on the proto is weird.



Seems they shortened the neck, if they fixed the neutral face portrait I'll be content.

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