I ordered Titanus online... now my local Toysrus has it and now I can't cancel it. FML.
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welp, being that its pretty well confirmed were getting nothing beyond Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from figuarts, what do you guys think the odds wed can at least get the following?
Zordon tube (figuarts zero?)
There is talk of having an un-shielded green ranger being sold at this year's SDCC. Other than that, I bet they are done making rangers.......for now muahahah
Ordered Titanus Monday, and the holiday has kept it delayed for shipping![]()
Is it still delayed? I bought yesterday, and got the shipment confirmation today. But what pissed me off is that they shipped everything I bought. separate...
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Well tbf titanus is pretty huge, probably barely had a box big enough for him alone....
I just went out to one of my local TRU's and saw this bad boy on the shelf. Since I hadn't seen anyone posting pictures of the box art yet, here it is:
My lord it's beautiful! How much for retail?!
TRU uk still sells the megazord actually, and its constantly on sale. We havent got the dragonzord or dagger yet though
welp, being that its pretty well confirmed were getting nothing beyond Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from figuarts, what do you guys think the odds wed can at least get the following?
Zordon tube (figuarts zero?)
With Tigerzord having articulated hands and elbows and Dragonzords tails having individual sections id like to think they could do an awesome RDthunderzord. My concern is that because it would in in a 5 pack they would drastically cut down in certain areas much like they did with the T-rex. Didnt super robot Chogokin tease they were doing it ?
Ive not seen anything since this image but it would be cool to have a super articulated version like these figures are. Down side is they cost like $60+ and they are figuart sized.