Super Freak
So wait when did the 5" legacy power rangers figures came out?
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Sent from Le iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk - now Free
So wait when did the 5" legacy power rangers figures came out?
Sent from Le iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk - now Free
But what about the thrill of the hunt?!
They are such great figures. I absolutely love them!!!Just ordered the Black Ranger this morning from Amazon! My first Figuarts figure. I'll probably get the Blue Ranger next.
The thrill of the hunt cost me an extra $100 on Titanus that I didn't need to pay.
Ahhh! Nick nice score! I'd love to see more up-close pictures of that! Saba seems to large for a detolf.
But it's a $100 thrill!! Money well spent!j/k
Awesome!!! Can't wait to get my hands on Tigerzord!
Now, c'mon Thunderzords!!!
Yeah I have no doubt they'll do them since the legacy line is selling so well. I'm really excited to see the Red Dragon
Probably just bite the bullet man. Theres a possibility they can be because of the different packaging, but they were exclusives in japan, and if the dbz line is anything to go by they dont reissue exclusives out of some misguided sense of honor to folks that have the figures in question.
They dont make as much of exclusive figures, and only put out one wave of said figure. That coupled with the fact shes almost a year and a half old is why she is so high. Happens with all of tamashiis popular exclusives.
I wonder which one they will come out next....the pyramid??
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