My local TRU has gotten Tigerzord and Saba in. I'm holding off until next week!
Just picked up Saba at lunch with a 20% off coupon. Sucker is heavy.
Revisited TRU the other day. Saba looks awesome, but want the Tigerzord first.
I don't feel like ordering it online. I want that experience of 'catching it in the wild.'
Are there any bootlegs of these anywhere that should be avoided? Trying to find a white and green ranger but don't want to get burnt.
I have the green ranger I'm trying to get rid of. I actually have a few im trying to unload off since im no longer collecting the line
If anyone is interested in the few pm me.
What do you mean by label?
Question: the BBTS reissue of the Megazord Legacy edition, is that the same as the first one that was released last year with the die cast parts?
Thanks!To my knowledge, yes. Should be identical.
They have the black version coming out too??? I didn't know about that one being released too! I've seen it too, the older version, or at least the box.