Super Freak
It's not even on TRU as of yet...
Sent from Le iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk - now Free
Sent from Le iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk - now Free
Ninja Megazord went up.
And a 1:1 Red Ranger helmet.
Thank you for this, only 6 more months for that Megazord, any idea if it'll be the same scale as the og?
Probably smaller since the other two Megazords were smaller too.
No biggie I'm actually starting to want to buy Thunder Megazord, the price is ridiculous though
Whoa! That helmet is an instabuy. An ok price for ninjazord. Still overpriced.
Helmet is a steal. Hope they do the rest of the Rangers!
First one thus far.
I ordered from BBTS. That way I get a collectors box with minimal damage.