Are these personal pics? What's your in-person impression?
In-Person impression is it looks great with good lighting. You can tell it's a flat red because it's not painted, it's red plastic. The lighting gives it some shine, but a $5 clear gloss finish might do wonders.
Overall, it's a fantastic display piece for $100. A must buy if you're a MMPR fan.
In-Person impression is it looks great with good lighting. You can tell it's a flat red because it's not painted, it's red plastic. The lighting gives it some shine, but a $5 clear gloss finish might do wonders.
Overall, it's a fantastic display piece for $100. A must buy if you're a MMPR fan.
Not bad price for coins. StarLight Sudios had some nice MMPR coins but they are double the price of these legacy coins.
I've pre ordered it because i want to have a play with it, but i feel in megazord mode it looks pretty bad. The individual zords ( bar the tyranno legs ) are pretty damn nice. And Tank mode looks great. But combined as the megazord i feel it looks weak. Proportions look odd, big feet, skinny thighs, big chest, tiny head. huge back canons
How much articulation is the SoC going to have? Looks minimal, which is disappointing.
It looks like it has plenty to me, more than any previous Megazords that were able to combine. It can finally bend it's elbows, knees, and even a little ankle articulation with the triceratops/sabretooth heads as feet. Only thing I don't think it will have is waist articulation.
Can it bend at the knee? Wasn't sure. Haven't seen any pics of that.
I used to be like oh noes I must have it, but more than ever I will wait for a price drop on the ninjazord...
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Thats the way to be. People wait for price drops all the time and then end up missing out and moaning. People waited for Titanus to get a price drop and as a result bandai literally said its why were not getting Tor purely due to Toys R Us having to shift Titanus on sale. People were going to wait for a price reduction on the SOC Daizyujin or atleast an in hand review, its already sold out on amazon and its not out till June next year.. You cant hang around if you want to be safe.Yeah, I hear ya. But I get suckered into the hype every time and plus, I don't need to worry about it selling out.
I believe it will be able too, I've seen side shots of the knees and you can see the bendable knee joint, plus if you look at the tank mode you can see the knees are bent. Considering the SOC Voltron as full articulation, pretty much everywhere, even in the waist where you can actually pop the torso up to reveal a smaller ab section for waist tilt and bend, I think we're safe with the Megazord.
if you want to see how SOC hides it's articulation watch this video, examples of the articulation begin at at 6 mins