Super Freak
I want a legacy version already, but did you had a chance to measure up the bluefin white ranger version?
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It's not that bad. It's not clunky or anything. Looks more like the Pacific Rim style instead of clunky versions. The anatomical aspects are somewhat jarring but it's not terrible.
It looks nothing like the power rangers. I can draw a sweet looking robot and call it the megazord if you'd like.
It fits with the new movie style. There's no surprise here if you have seen the coins, suits, etc. This fits with the style they are going for. It definitely has the alien tech quality. Im not saying it's gorgeous but it fits.
It does fit what they're going for, but that doesn't mean it looks good. The suits, helmets, coins, weapons and Megazord don't look like traditional Power Rangers designs.
We have 20+ years of Power Rangers all following a relatable design. This movie doesn't fall in line. They don't look like Power Rangers. It's like a Batman movie and they give him a red suit without the bat or ears. But it's batman, right? There's just some things that are classic. Superman wears an S on his chest. Captain America has a shield with a star on it. The point is, Thor looks like Thor, Wonder Woman looks like Wonder Woman and Iron Man looks like Iron Man.
If we accept a complete redesigning of the Power Rangers, and one that is pretty ugly, we are giving up our iconic characters. They can just slap a name we love on anything and expect us to buy into it.
....ok.... I guess don't support it then.
So far, I don't. I don't plan on purchasing anything from this movie. I'll probably go see it and give it a chance to win me over, but I'm not buying merchandise already, like you.
How old are you? Lots of passive aggression tones that typicall occur with someone in teens.
How old are you? I'm wondering if you get frustrated when things don't go your way. Does it suck when people don't agree with you?
Last reply to you.
How old are you? You seem like the type that loves everything about your favorite team. What's that called... "Fanboy"?
Maybe you should try looking at things objectively. You take criticism of your favorite things as if they're directed at you. Relax. Nobody is talking about you.
And with that, don't reply to me. I'm done talking to you.
There's another version of the Megazord aside from this that looks much better.