Just got this from BBTS regarding the Red Ranger sword.
The new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Legacy Red Ranger Power Sword was originally solicited to us by Diamond Comics as a 2 per case item at a cost that resulted in SRP of $74.99. Diamond has since updated their solicitation to be 1 per case for the same cost which means the MSRP was actually supposed to be $149.99. Due to this pricing error, we must adjust the price on all preorders to the actual MSRP of $149.99.
We understand the frustration surrounding these types of changes and do what we can to minimize the impact to our customers. Of course you can always cancel your preorder if you are no longer interested in purchasing this item. To cancel a preorder, simply sign in to your BBTS account and click the blue 'View Preorders' button. From here, reduce the quantity to zero on the preorder you wish to cancel; select 'Update' and it will be removed from your account.
If you have any questions regarding this price change, or about cancelling a preorder, please contact the BBTS Customer Care Team for further assistance.
Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your continued business.
BBTS Customer Care
[email protected]
Updated characters in reboots and the like almost always look worse than the source material, though. Exceptions are typically when the new version sticks very close to the original designs.![]()
What I have been saying all along
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NEVERMIND. Just found it!
Anyone know how long the PR sale goes for?
Also, just found out that the comics made TPB Volume Collections....guess who is jumping into the MMPR comics tomorrow??!!!![]()
I've got a full set of the individual MMPR Boom Studios comics on eBay if interested (sell them for what I paid).
**** it!!! I just went to B&N this AM and didn't see your post until now. : /
I already purchased some, but I appreciate the offer.
I got Vol. 1 and 2 in TPB. Vol. 3 is released in June-ish, so I'm catching up, slowly.
No worries. I kind of felt bad in that I didn't want to pressure you to buy the ones I have. I bought multiples of each issue and wanted to sell the extras now lol
Vol. 1, for me, was just OK. Storyline gets better as the issues progress.