Super Freak
On hand! Check your local stores!! The white ranger is a bit delayed though
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The white ranger isn't delayed. I've seen him everywhere.
how do you guys think the lightning collection compares to figuarts?
recently started getting back into collecting figures entirely and want to grab a red and green ranger but not sure which line or actual figure is the one to get. any recommendations?
from what i understand the lightning collection is fairly new correct?
Lightning collection has slightly more realistic proportions, but hands down figuarts are the better figures. If you can manage to get your hands on a set i'd recommend them highly. But there's no denying that getting the Lightning collection would be cheaper.
The lightning collection is fairly new, they are releasing mixed waves right now, the figures out from the classic line are just the white ranger with tommy head, lord zedd with amazing articulations, and red ranger with the dragon shield as an sdcc exclusive.
Upcoming releases in the next couple of months are the pink ranger with the kimberly head and a special edition green ranger that will come with a putty for still dirt cheap.
They working overtime with this! I wonder how they will do the zords
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Chogokin Dragonzord on sale for $81!