Ummm if these are in scale to 1/6 then it looks like I'm coming back to the customizing business..... Lol
MMPR Black and Yellow!!! Where is my Billy?
The weapons won't be able to make the Power Blaster will they?
more likely than not, it'll be a pack-in with one of the rangers.
MMPR Black and Yellow!!! Where is my Billy?
Tokunation is at San Diego Comic-Con 2013! And when we said we'd be on the show floor before anyone else we meant it! Our show team is already at the convention center and news has just started coming in.
Straight from Kickback himself we have confirmation that a set of the core 5 Kyoryu Sentai Zyurangers / Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers S.H.Figuarts are on display!! Bandai Tamashii and Bluefin have both begun releasing these figure in Japan and the US respectively. Dragon/Green Ranger & Tyranno/Red Ranger are only just seeing release with Pterra/Pink Ranger confirmed as a web exclusive in Japan this fall and a US retail release as well.
This is the first time the core 5 Zyurangers/Power Rangers have been shown on display together and confirms their future releases! Each of course includes their signature weapons. It's currently unconfirmed however, due to a no photo policy for the night, whether or not the US release of Tiger/Yellow Ranger will include an alternate skirt accessory for MMPR fans. And for any users in attendance a friendly heads up that the US release for S.H. Figuarts Red & Green Rangers are being sold at the Bluefin booth, #3545!
MMPR Black and Yellow!!! Where is my Billy?
I'd take this information with a grain of salt, because of the sources, but there's a decent amount of photographs to prove most of this stuff, so I thought it was worth posting.
News from ComicCon:
AVP - MonsterArts
Injustice Gods Among Us - D-Arts
Street Fighter - D-Arts
Mortal Kombat - D-Arts
The core five Sailor Soldiers & Tuxedo Mask.
All of Zyuranger is on display along with the additional detail that everyone but pink are regular releases for Japan (which would explain why the Hurricanger releases seemed to be coming first).
Female Tiger Ranger for US release.
All of Gokaiger/Super Mega Force are coming soon (which is interesting, considering the girls were exclusives).
Lord Zedd Figuarts Zero (no articulation).
Zedd better not be a Damn Zero...