Super Freak
Re: S.H. Figurarts Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Can't wait for Akibaranger S2 stuff now. Dang you Bandai!!
Can't wait for Akibaranger S2 stuff now. Dang you Bandai!!
I think the Megazord is already out. Anyone have it?
I do. He's amazing! Incredible articulation for a robot, spot on detail, die-cast metal parts, nice accessories and just a really fun figure to pose.
I pray they make a Dragonzord to go alongside him. It would be incredible.
I feel like they would be dropping the ball if they didn't make a Dragonzord figure. Isn't the Dragon Ranger just as popular as Tommy in Japan???? I think the Gold Dragon Buckler is way more valuable than the regular Dino Bucklers.
Nowhere near. He was only in a short story arc and in general is forgotten. Tommy is more popular in Japan than DragonrangerIsn't the Dragon Ranger just as popular as Tommy in Japan????
Best picture I could find.
Omg really! I used to talk to King Ranger too. He showed me some of his customs. I think id even sold something to him. Not talked to him for years now though and barely visit RB
Im pretty sure it was your HT AVP Predators and Predator bio masks in the cool toy pic threads that made me "extend" the price i was willing to pay for merchandise. Because until then id never dream, of itYeah, sucks to hear about KR, I thought he was a standup guy from my time over at RB years ago.
Pwnstar511 how much did you pay for that Megazord? I'm looking for one and where did you get it from?
Best picture I could find.
Im pretty sure it was your HT AVP Predators and Predator bio masks in the cool toy pic threads that made me "extend" the price i was willing to pay for merchandise. Because until then id never dream, of it