Re: S.H. Figurarts Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
You and me both! I bought the whole Ultrazord set off eBay about a year or so ago for far too much money and flipped them back out again... I really do miss them. I would of gotten the reissued Megazord if they released the Dragonzord like they original planned
Im sure we will get the Zyuranger soon enough... I will be tracking down the other two SL Rangers so I can do an comparison once I get this is July...
I read on some site that they have big plans for MMPR/Zyuranger at Comic Con 2013. I'm Hoping they will do The DragonZord like they did the Megazord also.
You and me both! I bought the whole Ultrazord set off eBay about a year or so ago for far too much money and flipped them back out again... I really do miss them. I would of gotten the reissued Megazord if they released the Dragonzord like they original planned