Omg! Great find!Follow that link I posted, dude. The animation is unfinished but the voices are done. There is the bad batch arc, which takes place after the Yoda episodes. They didn't finish the arc though.
Awesome set up Gearhart!
That Boba Fett cutout made me giggle.
So apparently Lando Calrissian was originally written to be a clone. But that idea was scrapped.
In the original Empire script: Lando Calrissian is a clone, and his family was displaced by the Clone Wars. Lando's clone lineage began with his great-grandfather. Bespin is the homeworld to a wispy alien race. "n this early draft, the native inhabitants of what we know of as Bespin, the Cloud People, seem to resemble the Kaminoans in Attack of the Clones. They're tall, "white-skinned and white-haired" and ride on flying manta-rays. (This may be coincidental, but they also use darts as weapons, and the Kaminoans were linked to the toxic dart in AOTC.) The notion of flying steeds is absent in ensuing "Empire" scripts (along with the Cloud People) but will be entertained for the next two films before finally getting implemented in "Clones."
He looks so cool like this. I wish his belt wasn't so loose. Only thing I could think of is to make another belt.
He looks so cool like this. I wish his belt wasn't so loose. Only thing I could think of is to make another belt.
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That's an idea...hmm curious. I'm actually planning on making my own robe entirely. I already have the material to use.Or maybe you could take the blackseries Kylo cloth robe and just use the top.
Awesome set up Gearhart!
Great list! Yoda would be so cool! I wonder if he would be a in a two pack since he's so small. Maybe with the Emperor! I would buy that in a heart beat. Or are you talking pre-quel Yoda? Either way, I love Yoda!
My most wanted are:
1. ROTS Anakin
2. ROTS Obi-wan
3. Return of the Jedi The Emperor
4. Bespin Han
5. Bespin Luke
I'm with you, I'll take Yoda prequel or OT. But I think we will for sure get him sooner or later. He's an iconic character. And that 2-pack is a marvelous idea.Awesome set up Gearhart!
Great list! Yoda would be so cool! I wonder if he would be a in a two pack since he's so small. Maybe with the Emperor! I would buy that in a heart beat. Or are you talking pre-quel Yoda? Either way, I love Yoda!
My most wanted are:
1. ROTS Anakin
2. ROTS Obi-wan
3. Return of the Jedi The Emperor
4. Bespin Han
5. Bespin Luke
Sooooooo. These Figuarts figures are great aren't they!
I hope this year we have the Finn and Rey figuarts, I want the Rey figure to come with a Kylo Ren Unmasked face ! like the Luke Skywalker one :3