So, I just received my Obi-Wan and he's got the mis-masked hair paint that "bleeds" down onto his forehead a bit. It's worse on the angry head.
I'm thinking of gluing a tiny bit of fine grit sandpaper to a toothpick and trying to clean it up (very very carefully). Any thoughts on this? Has anyone else attempted something like this with an SH fig? I don't want to ruin the figure but that paint really bothers me.[/QUOTE
I wouldn't use sandpaper that will scratch the plastic just try a q-tip with some acetone (nail polish salon formula without the added oils check "Ingredients" on bottle) and lightly wipe it away don't make the mistake of forgetting to squeeze the q-tip to remove excess 1st I've lost eye paint on a figure due to that oversight. Then wash the area with some dish soap then dry it and it should be ok.