S.H. Figuarts Star Wars

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I ordered to Mark 45s in separate orders a couple months apart from hlj and was just charged for both of them yesterday.
Really? That's honestly never happened to me at all, I've done it a least 5 or 6 times since I got my HLJ account and it always gets through, last time I did it with 3 Revo Yotsubas, 3 separate orders because they were low in stock too and it would only let me order 1 per order, 2 Revo Mr Incredible, again 2 separate orders.

And I have them all right here with me :lol so, knock on wood so it goes through this time too.

A secondary account? You have to pay double shipping that way no?

EDIT: I just checked my last year HLJ history and I've been doing this a lot more than I thought :lol back when revol mini Snake and Cyborg Ninja were up on PO I PO more than 3 of each (4), cause you know "max 3 per household", obviously with separate orders and they all went through, I ended up selling some Ninjas and Snake over here and just kept the ones with the best paint apps.

Yeah had to pay shipping twice, their Customer Srvice emailed me about 20 min after placing both orders and getting confirmations, they cited a thing in tgeir FAQ saying they could terminate an account for circumventing the system like that, wonder why I got busted and not you guys :lol
Well, to be fair, there's no rule against ordering the same thing in 2 different orders, I've looked.

Initially I thought you couldn't order more than what the system lets you for each item or not more than 3, then I tried to put several orders for items that you can only order 1, and it went through, then I tried to order more than 3 in different orders, and it went through :lol they can't really complain that we're buying too much from them can they? :lol
e are very sorry, but as the shopping cart states, this item is unfortunately limited to one per customer. Your orders for it beyond the limit have been cancelled.

Kindly see the “Per-Customer Item Limits” section of our web site’s Help Center:


Please note that if an item has a per-customer limit, the limit is listed in the shopping cart, not on the item’s main page. We must ask that you please be sure to honor the per-customer item limit when ordering with us. Otherwise, orders for the limited item may be cancelled without notice.

We appreciate your understanding, and your business with us.

Best Regards,

^ there is a rule against it, its in the Faq or help section
A per-customer order limit of one per customer means you can only order a total of one. If you already ordered one, and the item becomes available for sale again with a per-customer limit of one, please do not order it again; you already ordered the limit.

If an item has a per-customer limit, the limit will be enforced. Any customer attempting to manipulate our system to place orders so that the total quantity is beyond the stated limit may have their orders cancelled and their account (as well as any related accounts) locked or terminated without notice, at our sole discretion.

@Lipsmack :lol damn, then I hope I don't get caught, I've done it a lot this past year...

What I meant was I don't remember how I felt watching Phantom Menace for the first time.(...)

Hmkay yeah I get where you're coming from. Not that different for me in that sense. I do remember seeing Yoda vs Dooku for the first time but in hindsight I agree with some that both Yoda and Palpatine should be above lightsaber wielding. Ninja Yoda was cool as a kid, but honestly it's sort of stupid too. Otherwise I mostly just remember seeing RotS for the first time. But maybe that's because I repeat-watched the cool scenes of TPM too much.:lol

I can't remember much about seeing the prequels for the first time. I distinctly recall the excitement leading up to Phantom Menace, how the design reveals looked great...I remember the applause in the theatre when the 20th Century Fox fanfare went off...and remember loving all things Maul, but thinking his demise didn't make sense. I hated the pod race and thought it was too drawn out, didn't like Anakin, hated Jar Jar and the Gungans but may have been otherwise okay with the film at the time.

All I strongly recall about Attack Of The Clones was wondering why the Jedi jumped en masse into a kill box.

I hated all Anakin and Padme content/dialogue in AOTC and ROTS...and can barely remember all the other video-game-eque stuff I didn't like.

I do remember loving the opening of ROTS but thinking it got too cluttered right after that first shot.

The real disappointment set in after the fact, seeing how unwatchable and dated they were later on; and thinking about what could have been.

Shaking that off, I now see them as containing some beautiful design and fun set-pieces, but being terrible films overall with really bad writing; and I'm pretty forgiving given that the dialogue in the OT wasn't exactly stellar, no pun intended.

Yeah this sums it up pretty well for me too. The only thing the prequels truly succeeded in imo is Palpatine. Throughout all 3 films I think he's great. The only thing I like in the entire movie of AotC is the actual clone battle scenes, and the scene with Anakin's mom dying. I still don't think it's Hayden's fault, that scene was great and he played it great. His worst fear after leaving his mother behind as a 9 year old comes true. That does entirely make sense as to why he's so obsessed with never losing anyone again. And the Jedi clearly don't understand psychology in the prequels.:slap "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." oh yeah great, easier said than done mate.:lol

Lol @ that killbox thing, yeah the strategy in general is pretty retarded throughout all films. That's why I like the Clone Wars is canon, because despite it being a kids show, it has battle scenes, strategies and emotional beats etc that trump the PT easily and make much more sense. In AotC and RotS the Jedi are pretty much idiots and the clones don't get any showcasing of why they are actually superior to droids. I hated that in AotC especially, the jedi telling them simple things like 'hit that spot at the fuel can' or whatever the ****, like, these dudes are trained military men. The whole point of the clones is that they are superior to droids, literal dialogue in AotC. Yet we never see it. But we do definitely see it in CW. So as I said, CW is the real episode II for me. Select Episode I and II scenes > important CW arcs > Episode III, that makes the whole actually a lot better. And all of it is canon. So I just ignore the rest, because there is plenty to like in the post-ANH world. I hope Lucasfilm under Disney isn't gonna **** up stuff.
I just watched TPM with my 8 year old son. Having recently introduced him to the original trilogy I was really interested to see what his unbiased opinion would be.
When the film finished I asked the question and he said he liked TPM more than the others! I know this is no way a mass study but I was surprised. I asked him what was better about them and he said the fights - now this isn't a surprise to me. I think having a kid protagonist to relate to also sealed the deal but we shall see what he thinks of AOTC later on.

I suppose my point is that the original trilogy was so special to a lot of people and the new stuff had to really nail it to meet expectations. They didn't hit a home run because Lucas couldn't walk the walk but I still maintain that the newer ones aren't bad films. They're poor in relation to childhood dreams and expectations.

I can't wait to see what he thinks of Ep 2 though.
Well...simplify the plot; a war over resources makes the most sense. Habitable planets are the logical thing to fight over, given the level of technology available to the Galactic civilization I can't imagine them fighting over raw materials or whatever when there's a galaxy full of it. Nice worlds may be more scarce and covetable. Making the Empire's destruction of Alderaan in the future even more psychotic.

Join Anakin as a brash young man...a pod racer from the mean streets turned hotshot pilot as the war escalates.

Have better dialogue...scale back the CG...

Lose Grievous, Dooku, C3PO and R2...no Jango Fett and leave Yoda out of the council if not out of the films entirely and certainly no saber wielding for him...

Eliminate midichlorians...no Tatooine...make the battle droids a credible and frightening threat - in fact replace them all with legions of IG-88 series droids that act more like Terminators than comic relief...keep Maul around for much longer and build his character up as a sophisticated and longstanding threat.

Fewer Jedi, and generally not as powerful; making adepts like Palpatine and Vader much more frightening, or Yoda more mysterious and inspiring.

Anakin's fall could have been handled differently. He could have been unhinged with PTSD by the time Palpatine got to him. The Clone Wars should have been portrayed as a costly and brutal conflict that destabilized the Republic and started to kick them back to the Dark Ages, so to speak. Ripe for Empire building and explaining the scavenged, used-up and wild west atmosphere of Episode IV.

I would have had Palpatine push to raise and use Clones to minimize loss of non-Clone life in the war rather than have them conveniently appear and get used no-questions-asked.

I would have let more time pass between films so there were actually multiple Clone Wars ... Clone War I with Republic Clones vs. Droid armies, although it didn't have to be clear cut. Both sides could have used droids for dirty work, which would also explain the prejudice against AI by Episode IV.

Clone War II being Clones being used to crush resistance and enforce order as the Empire rises. Anakin and Obi Wan could find themselves on opposite sides even before Anakin Siths Out. The emotional weight of the story would be centred more on their bromance, with maybe a triangle with Anakin's love interest since he has to have kids at some point.

I re-imagine the Prequel Trilogy as a tragedy wrapped in a war story. Anakin fell with the Republic. Vader rose with the Empire.

Somebody hire me. ;)
Everyone is entitled to their opinions fellow freaks but this opinion dragging on more than a page needs to be discussed on another thread about a general discussion of the SW universe:lecture

Please remember this is a SW S.H. Figuarts thread not the PT discussion :thud:
I just watched TPM with my 8 year old son.
I can't wait to see what he thinks of Ep 2 though.

Not that surprised because all jedi action at least in tpm is awesome, especially because it's the first time you see jedi in their prime at work who were trained to be jedi from the start, but also because we see both a master and a padawan who're good. Anakin should've owned way more, he's a **** up in the movies most of the time. (That's why CW!) I'd be interested to know what he thinks of AotC and RotS! I've never actually heard it from a child that age being introduced to it now.

Man I hope that TPM Obi-Wan will have a likeness as great as Luke! What accessories would obi come with? Probably a normal and an angry face (against maul) and a few hands. What first release bonus could Obi and Maul get in general, if any? Does anybody actually know how tamashii decides whether something includes a first release bonus item?
[...]Man I hope that TPM Obi-Wan will have a likeness as great as Luke! What accessories would obi come with? Probably a normal and an angry face (against maul) and a few hands. What first release bonus could Obi and Maul get in general, if any? Does anybody actually know how tamashii decides whether something includes a first release bonus item?

No idea. Maul could come with Sith Probe Droids...that scene has him fully cloaked but SHF isn't a stickler for that kind of thing.
There is a guy on eBay that sells cloaks for the black series. I am sure they would work on figuarts as well.