Ideally we all do, it's just not in our hands as to when they will be in our hands. We'll just have to see what transpires. I'm sure that, as soon as there is anything to know, we'll see it posted here.

Ideally we all do, it's just not in our hands as to when they will be in our hands. We'll just have to see what transpires. I'm sure that, as soon as there is anything to know, we'll see it posted here.
Ehhh, just saw an original Stormtrooper end on Ebay for $99. I remember having it in my cart for $55, about to click "submit payment" but I backed out. Beating myself up for it!
Finally got my Mace
Awesome figure. It's a 6 inch Sam Jackson figure after all, what more could i ask for haha
Although, in my excitement, i popped the left arm off and thought i broke the figure or something, left arm on mine's a bit loose, but no major complaints here.
Just received an email from AE. My riot trooper is processing!
I will be honest Sil, that last sentence made me lol!Don't assumedisplayed figures count as announced ones unless they have an actual date on their card! Normal haired goku from dbz, the simple normal quintessential goku, was shown off at the beginning of the line, only to release him like, what, FOUR years later? You might know who Snoke's gran is before you have chewbacca.
I will be honest Sil, that last sentence made me lol!
Listen to Silrian folks, otherwise you will be continually disappointed in figuarts lines.
Never assume that just because they showed a prototype that it will be released, treat every reveal as a cool "what if we released this?" showing.
The now defunct sentai line showed at least 2 dozen figures that never surfaced, and dragonball has seen at least 8 protos that havent been seen or mentioned since being shown (much like Han, Chewie and Grievous honestly)
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My Riot Trooper has shipped!
I will be honest Sil, that last sentence made me lol!
Listen to Silrian folks, otherwise you will be continually disappointed in figuarts lines.
Never assume that just because they showed a prototype that it will be released, treat every reveal as a cool "what if we released this?" showing.
The now defunct sentai line showed at least 2 dozen figures that never surfaced, and dragonball has seen at least 8 protos that havent been seen or mentioned since being shown (much like Han, Chewie and Grievous honestly)
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Then they surprise us with a Kit Fisto, A Plo Koon, or a Dooku! Hahaha a guy could dream
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