Was trying to take some spoilery photos but nah, I'll wait till the movie's off theatres to start taking cool pictures from the movie.
But they are such badasses, really really love them. From their fluid motions into fighting stances to the choreography.
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I didn’t know new Vader was up for preorder already! Who still has him???
Ok, so I was on the fence of preordering TLJ Luke but I'll definitely pass. The only figures I'll get from this trilogy are Rey and the preatorian guard and I won't even bother to go watch Episode IX.
I've been spoilt today on the movie on an ENTIRELY NOT RELATED video by some ********* and I was suppose to see the movie tonight...
I don't even want to do that, I should have known that I should have watched the movie on Wednesday....People on the internet are really stupid.
I think I'll just keep my attention on the prelogy and OT from now on. This new trilogy can go to hell.
Every Asian vendor just search the web
Yeah i didn’t take any chances and went for the double feature Thursday, so i remained mostly spoiler free other than a damn TV spot that came up on YouTube.
That being said, I’m very excited for Rey, she’ll go great with Kylo. I’ll probably get Luke and maybe the Stormtrooper down the line. Hopefully we get Poe in his pilot gear, he’s probably the only one I’d go for in this line. I passed on the Figuarts Praetorians in favor of the Black Series since the Figuarts are too small and not enough of an improvement articulation wise.
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Can't express how good the figuarts are, these are really the best 6 inch Star Wars figures we can ever have!
I'm really glad Bandai took the license to the next level.
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Agree. I just wish they would do more heroes!
No spoilers please guys but... would you buy it? Of course it'll be Tamashii Nations exclusive, but I would.
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I would have bought it before the movie, but after seeing how they threw her away yet again im happy with the ines we already got
No spoilers please guys but... would you buy it? Of course it'll be Tamashii Nations exclusive, but I would.
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