S.H. Figuarts Star Wars

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Any new images of 3PO and R2?

They're releasing this month but have there been any final images?
Honestly, even if Qui-Gon costs me a leg, I won't care, I just need Qui-Gon and the Black Series one is not an option.
Qui Gon is in my top five Star Wars characters but I could not bring myself to pay $85ish for him shipped, plus that "Gah!" death face was a stupid move on Bandai's part. Honestly the Black Series with a head upgrade(ibmmt, camarodude, or OldBoy) and fabric robe by rickhor makes a very nice figure. I actually like the way the black series handled the Jedi uniform, making it more well worn as opposed to the Bandai one being basically new looking. Don't get me wrongo, if Qui Gon had been a regular release, I would have jumped, but after the sting of Anakin, I couldn't. Don't know if that helps at all, but this is where I stand :)
On another note, had anyone attempted to put a dull coat on Anakin's face? It is so shiny in person and photos but I am not brave enough to try it woithout guidance :rotfl
its slim chance they will now yeah? like RO hype train is long gone. pretty strong for me at the moment tho :lol
They still have a lot of TFA characters to drop.

I would imagine RO characters aren't too far fetched.
Finally! The first episode of Toyville is live! This could have easily been called "The Most Use Anyone Has Ever Gotten Out of a Sharon Carter Figure" but it seemed wordy.

Go and read, hopefully it makes you laugh a little. Featuring Figures from Bandai, Mezco, Hasbro, NECA, DC Collectibles and some cameos by figures from yesteryear! If you enjoy it, PLEASE share it out.
Got emails from NY for R2 and 3PO - release dates changed from the 31st to the 29th.
It was always the 29th. Nippon has the release date for everything as the end of the month, then they fix it later. Can't wait for these two, especially Threepio. We still haven't seen the accessories they come with.
Depends on what you mean. Artoo has the Kenny Baker legs for eg, and IIRC Threepio has an alternate faceplate. Apart from the different hands.
Considering TFA gave us Kylo, FO Stormtrooper and both variants and Rogue One gave us Deathtrooper, Hover Tank pilot, Shoretrooper and updated Stormtrooper, I believe we will get at least 4 TLJ. Maybe two in November, two in Jan/Feb.

Based on past releases, we can expect helmeted figures over character ones with faces. I believe we will see Praetorian Guard, Executioner stormtrooper, maybe a Knight of Ren.

I hope we get a new Kylo with scar which may take away some exclusivity of the unmasked Kylo but it is a new body and cape. Also considering the TFA prototypes of characters, I think we will get a Rey. I don't know if Bandai will pass off their TFA Resistance version for TLJ or save that for release with FN2187 and Old Han. Of course we can all hope for Old Luke but that seems unlikely.

TLDR, I predict Elite Praetorian Guard, Executioner, New Kylo, New Rey for first wave of TLJ SH Figuarts

Old Luke may be an exclusive

If all troopers: Heavy Assault Pilot, Executioner, Elite Praetorian and Knight of Ren

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