Not sure what the consensus is here but the trailer did nothing for me. Looks about as generic as they come. I could swore they were taking selfies to the rap song or something.
The only part I liked was Zordon, I think it's a pretty cool effect, I didn't like the usual group gangster shot walking towards camera like badasses, Goldar, while better than the toy, is still too much gold, too awful a design, the zords looked bad, what seem to be putties and are just generic rock men look bad. I love the first 3 seasons of MMPR and I'm a sucker for nostalgia, but this doesn't get me excited, I keep following news cuz I'm interested, but I'm at a point where, I'll check this movie out some day, but I don't really care when.
This is too genetic for me still.
This feels like one of those fan made movie trailers on youtube. Everything feels fan made. Not like, "official "
Also i am having a lot of trouble understanding these new rock monsters, not sure why they needed to be formless weird rock things.
Thats very ugly.
It looks like rita uses earth elements to create her monsters which also explains goldar but i honestly think it is very ugly and stupid
It feels like the director or the producers were so embarrased about the silliness of the original monsters that they decided that earth based creatures wpuld be less silly but they just remind me of that cloud monster from green lantern movie.
Why couldnt the putties just look normal? Like humanoid creatures at least.
Goldar still looks ridiculous. He looks so ugly.
A melting yellow phlegm bogger monster......
These creatures dont even have any freaking facial features or personalities for that matter.........
They might as well be lumps of clay
I would consider PR more like a general superhero genre than Sci-Fi, but I think it makes sense this series would be for that audience, I just wish it wasn't.
I dont agree with the whole " this is meant for kids so we shouldnt expect a good movie"
Wreck it ralph and toy story 3 and zootopia are meant for kids yet they amazing critically aclaimed movies....
they are literally cartoons for little kids yet they are beloved movies that are very high in story and quality.
I never ever buy the whole " this is for kids" excuse for a movie looking crappy because even kids cartoons like the batman animated series was critically acclaimed.....
This just looks mediocre