Then what's the point?I'm going in blind.
I hope the other Rangers get weapons since it only seems like the Red Ranger gets one from what has been shown.
Me too. Wonder if they have the power blasters or just personal weapons.
If they had weapons, wouldnt they have been revealed by now? Leaked as toys or something? I dont think they have weapons because the toys would have them
I'm glad they made it accurate with the eight legs, I was really concerned about that.
Hahahaha right??
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The zords I think are my biggest gripe. And goldar. As a design, Goldar was a great character. He would look great if they kept him pretty similar. The Japanese really made some great looking monsters....king sphinx was the man.
The zords I'm not a fan of at all but I'm getting over the suits I just wish they were more simple looking. I can't make out the details really.
Even in pictures they are so muddled.
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