Sounds very much in line with the spirit of the original series. Congrats to the fans!
yeah but those were 20 minute episodes lol.
Sounds very much in line with the spirit of the original series. Congrats to the fans!
...Are we just gonna ignore that a major plot-point is that one of the Rangers unleashes revenge porn, and one other jerks off a bull? Like, why is nobody talking about this? I guess PR changed from when I was young...
you didnt meme enough![]()
We don’t get to see the Power Rangers actually as the Power Rangers
wearing their armor until 92 minutes into this movie.
After the team finally comes together – after an hour and a half! – the last half-hour is a CGI spectacle of Power Rangers, dinosaur machines, giant gold villains, and Elizabeth Banks eating a donut.
I wish they had test screenings for the designs, ask fans what they liked. I hate the lack of conversation between fans and studios.
So many people were making fun of the trailer initially in that it mimicked the Breakfast Club vibe...and yet now seeing the movie, one of their favorite parts is the Breakfast Club vibe.I heard it in the review above and from a few others now.
Many of the reviews aren't knocking it for reasons I thought they were going to and basically say....if you're a Power Ranger fan, you'll love it. So I'm thinking I'll be pretty happy.
I think at the end of the day, it's the Power Rangers and most of the world has a stereotypical image of what the Power Rangers are - 'goofy spandex and cheesy acting.' Unfortunately, I think this movie could have directed by Scorsese and casted with Dicaprio and people would still have a problem....because they can't get around the fact that they're going to see a $115 million dollar budgeted Power Rangers movie based on a 'goofy spandex and cheesy acting' franchise.
well i didnt want to wait for 90 minutes to have the power rangers be the power rangers. thats what sucked about the 1995 movie as well. most of that movie they were stuck in that jungle being ninjas
now they are stuck doing training exercises. 20 years apart and both movies might have that same problem. I knew the big fight with Goldar was going to be at the very end, but i didn't expect EVERYTHING to be at the end. from the suits to the putties to the megazord fight. sounds boring
That piece of box office gold is sacred. How dare you speak about it with such hatred.
those CGI zords are the ugliest zords in the history of power rangersmegazord didnt even have a face. just a square head with no features. awful horrible work