We don’t get to see the Power Rangers actually as the Power Rangers
wearing their armor until 92 minutes into this movie.
After the team finally comes together – after an hour and a half! – the last half-hour is a CGI spectacle of Power Rangers, dinosaur machines, giant gold villains, and Elizabeth Banks eating a donut.
these reviews say the same. most of it is kinda boring except the ending
And contrary to what some might say, the Megazord looks like it came straight from a Bay film.
And yet, in a weird way, I still want to own this movie on digital.LOOK AT THOSE DETAILS!!! I can say for certain, but I'm pretty sure I can see fingers on that right hand.
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I'm just in shock that they made a real movie with quality effects.
He liked it:
He said only thing that didn't work was super cheesy Rita in an otherwise solid serious movie with decent adult humor and action climax.
JDF got kicked out of the screening last night for taking pictures/recording vids of this and towards the end, security said bamm let me get your phone, otherwise he said it was good.
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I am blown away by the reviews for this.
The fact that it just doesn't suck is a miracle of sorts.
They're actually pointing out that the acting is good!
That the kids are not annoying and that the non action stuff is also just as good as the last 30 minutes of battle.
Rita Rita Rita is the weak link from every review.
She went full tv show cheese while the rest of the movie is not.
What a crazy and unfortunate disconnect there.