Saban’s Power Rangers

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And let me say (and Clown will know what I'm talking about), my eyes started to tear up at one point, when the zords come running to the city for the first time together and they start to play the old school Power Rangers song. My favorite moment in the movie. What a nod to the fans - cheese and all.

This movie is so ridiculously respectful to the fans, without giving us a bigger budget version of what we already knew.
Great to hear, going tomorrow night. :duff:

Goes to show you that even with a 100 million budget the action finale could only be streched to 30 minutes. Higher budget would be that 30 minutes ckimax plus add another major action set piece near the middle of the movie.

And I hope they get the opportunity to do a sequel to do just that. This movie is well deserving of it.

(The end credits scene definitely gives you the impression that Lionsgate and crew want a sequel.)
And let me say (and Clown will know what I'm talking about), my eyes started to tear up at one point, when the zords come running to the city for the first time together and they start to play the old school Power Rangers song. My favorite moment in the movie. What a nod to the fans - cheese and all.

This movie is so ridiculously respectful to the fans, without giving us a bigger budget version of what we already knew.

Ok now that sounds awesome.
Just got back from seeing this. It wasn't great, but I liked it! Most of the designs look better in action, but I'm still a bit disappointed with Goldar.

The fight sequences are the best parts IMO, but it sucks how they don't get the suits until late in the movie. The film instantly picks up when they morph. The cinematography is great during the Megazord Vs. Goldar scene, but when the individual Zords are fighting the visuals can be a bit messy.

The drama is a bit cheesy. :lol

Lol'd at "Sorry, Bumblebee!"

I'm interested in what Shawpaw and 2099 think. :lol

Clown, I loved that scene you put in the spoilers tag. :lol I took it as a jab at Bay and the Transformers ..... and LOVED IT. :rock

I think we're pretty much on the same page. I will say that I surprisingly don't mind what they did with Goldar. I think they did him an injustice, BUT I thought it was clever how they wrote his purpose in and I accepted it.

As big as a fan boy as I am, I don't think this movie was perfect. But this is one of those franchises that already has a dedicated fan base, but at the same time is now wanting to broaden those numbers. They're damned if they do. Damned if they don't. But I thought they did a great job at appealing to both.
Ok now that sounds awesome.

It really is a perfect scene for Power Ranger fans.

And let me say, on a side note, now having seen the movies. The toys that were made for this movie suck. Plain and simple. I don't know who approved what we got, but wow, what a missed opportunity. The Zords on screen are really, REALLY impressive, contrary to what the toys are.

The CGI team did a pretty darn good job. I know some have said that there were some 'bad' scenes visually. I don't really have an cringe worthy moments visually. Zordon looked great. Alpha looked great. Suits looked great. Zords looked great.

I think the design of Goldar deserved much, much more thought. Like I said before, I liked the story behind Goldar and while I overall liked Goldar, that's not to say that the design wasn't lazy, because in my opinion, it was. I mean he's literally a blob.
I'm going to segue into spoilers (but I'll keep them in spoiler tags.)


Zeo Crystals!!!

Are you freakin' kidding me?!??!
Let me first say that I've been a Power Ranger fan for decades. This is a franchise that I grew up with and still continue to enjoy to this day. I'm one of the more pickier fans. I don't watch EVERY season and I'm far from the world's greatest fan. Heck, there's even some seasons that I can't bear to watch again, but I still watch this show 20+ years later. From MMPR to Ninja Steel, it's had good moments. It's had bad moments.

Tonight was one of the franchise's shining moments.

As a Power Rangers fan, I don't think I've been ever been prouder.

The Good:

- This is a Power Rangers movie. There's no mistaking it. Each character grows on you. Some characters you'll love more than others, but by movie's end, there's no mistaking that I couldn't have asked for a better cast.

- It's a great origin story. And despite it not being like old school fans remember, this is a much refreshing take on the franchise and takes many liberties without alieniating the fan base, all the same time welcoming a new generation. I don't know many of the actors in this film (from their previous works) but these guys did one heck of a job. And if this is the start of a new franchise, I can't wait to see more.

The Bad:

- Elizabeth Banks. And I'm not going to go so far as to say it was all her fault - I respect her talent - and maybe it was the way the writers made her, but Rita was a weak point in the movie. I really do like her as an actress. But I feel that the Power Ranger actors were on another page. They really brought their "A" game, and I just felt this lack of chemistry between them and her. She was almost TOO over the top. And many will argue...."Rita was over the top in the show too!" Well, agreed. BUT, the tone of the movie wasn't geared for that kind of performance, in my opinion.

While I mentioned the good origin story - there's almost TOO much focus on character development and not enough action. I ALMOST found myself starting to fidget around, like my body and mind was saying that this movie was needing to wrap it up. And then comes the action to save the day. If you have a short attention, you'll be bored.

Write a spoiler review, whats after credits?
Write a spoiler review, whats after credits?

It'll take me a bit, but I'll get started. :rock

To answer your question though...

The gang is in detention and the teacher is taking role call and then says something along the lines of "Tommy? Is Tommy Oliver here?" and then they pan over to a desk with a green jacket - and I believe it had a dragon on it, but I was too busy screaming like a little girl with excitement to remember. lol After that it pans out to the hall way and a locker explodes and Billy makes a joke - you'll get the exploding locker joke when you see the movie though.
And let me also say that my typing skills have sucked lately and with all of the hype at the moment and the lack of speed in my hands to type and keep up with the hype, I will probably have a lot of spelling errors and incoherent sentences, so my apologies in advance. :lol
And let me also say. The Alpha design wasn't bad at all. It was either the toys or the promo image, but I think we can all agree that the eyes were the most flattering in proportion with the head, BUT the design looked great on screen. I was really surprised. And Hader did a really great job voicing Alpha. Again, I was worried he was going to mess it up, but didn't.
****. This movie is good.

And of course, I'm hyped. And yes, I'm probably over-hyping this thread for most all of you, but I don't give a ****. :lol

I think for most, this is a movie you walk into hoping its worth the price of admission and leave surprised with satisfied feeling and the notion that a Power Rangers movie actually held its own. Again, I'm not claiming this to be the greatest movie of all time, but it's reaffirmation that Power Rangers film can actually turn out pretty good. It IS possible. :lol

Now, for a Power Ranger fan like myself, that satisfied feeling is like x10.
And let me say (and Clown will know what I'm talking about), my eyes started to tear up at one point, when the zords come running to the city for the first time together and they start to play the old school Power Rangers song. My favorite moment in the movie. What a nod to the fans - cheese and all.

This movie is so ridiculously respectful to the fans, without giving us a bigger budget version of what we already knew.

I grinned so hard in the theater at that point, during the putty fight, and when the Rangers first walk up the steps as a team in full gear. I'm excited to see this again.

I also like how they want to make a sequel to this. I really hope they get to do it, since there's still so much untapped material they could go with. I'm hoping they introduce Zedd and the Green Ranger in the sequel.

The Green Ranger is a given though, because of dat mid-credits scene. Everyone in the theater cheered during it, myself included. :lol

I really liked how Rita used to be a Ranger. It was a risky departure, but I thought it was very cool.
****. This movie is good.

And of course, I'm hyped. And yes, I'm probably over-hyping this thread for most all of you, but I don't give a ****. :lol

I think for most, this is a movie you walk into hoping its worth the price of admission and leave surprised with satisfied feeling and the notion that a Power Rangers movie actually held its own. Again, I'm not claiming this to be the greatest movie of all time, but it's reaffirmation that Power Rangers film can actually turn out pretty good. It IS possible. :lol

Now, for a Power Ranger fan like myself, that satisfied feeling is like x10.

Is the stuff before they become rangers boring?

Do we get to see monsters before they turm to rangers
I grinned so hard in the theater at that point, during the putty fight, and when the Rangers first walk up the steps as a team in full costume. I'm excited to see this again.

Loved that too!!!! :rock

And not sure what your music preferences are, but the "Hand Claps" song during the training scene was ridiculously catchy there. I hear it all the time on the radio, but thought it was really used well here, along with the Kanye song in the final battle scenes.
Loved that too!!!! :rock

And not sure what your music preferences are, but the "Hand Claps" song during the training scene was ridiculously catchy there. I hear it all the time on the radio, but thought it was really used well here, along with the Kanye song in the final battle scenes.

Yeah, the music definitely fit the movie. The training montage was fun.

And I agree with what you said about Goldar; though I would've liked to have seen his original design updated, the new design worked for how they created him. It was a neat touch.

Rita was pretty creepy. :lol
Is the stuff before they become rangers boring?

Do we get to see monsters before they turm to rangers

It's an origins story - so if you're not particularly hyped going in, I think it'll weigh on you and you'll say it's boring.

Like I fully expect, Riddick to say it's boring. :lol (And I like Riddick. That's not meant to be jab.)

And yeah, you'll see Putties in the training scenes before they get their full powers. You'll also see Rita at full strength before they get their suits. They try to take her on and fail.
Yeah, the music definitely fit the movie. The training montage was fun.

And I agree with what you said about Goldar; though I would've liked to have seen his original design updated, the new design worked for how they created him. It was a neat touch.

Rita was pretty creepy. :lol

Yeah, with Rita, I mean, it worked, but it was like with Goldar, where I think they could have done better. It wasn't enough to ruin the movie though. And I think it worked in part because they didn't give her MORE screen time, which I know sounds horrible for me to say, but I think it's true. I just think Banks was there to have fun and just wanted to take this back to the old school Power Rangers show - referencing source material, but wanted to throw her twist in there and I just don't think it fit well with the rest of the tone. I don't know if they wrote her that way or she took the liberties herself, but I hope they tone her down just a tad, if they make a sequel. Or bring in Zedd and overshadow her.

I can't remember how she worded it, but I liked her "make my monster grow" line, as a shout-out to the show.