Super Freak
I don't know when I'm going to get to see it but I'm just glad it wasn't terrible.
Holy crap there's an end credits scene!
Who am I kidding we're post MCU success of course there's an end credits scene.
Good for these kids, they know everyone was thinking they were only capable of 90's cheese while making this so it's nice to see them getting some accolades for their work at atempting something decent.
Well technically it had a pre credits scene, a really long one at that.
Did you stay for the end credits scene?
Let me first say that I've been a Power Ranger fan for decades. This is a franchise that I grew up with and still continue to enjoy to this day. I'm one of the more pickier fans. I don't watch EVERY season and I'm far from the world's greatest fan. Heck, there's even some seasons that I can't bear to watch again, but I still watch this show 20+ years later. From MMPR to Ninja Steel, it's had good moments. It's had bad moments.
Tonight was one of the franchise's shining moments.
As a Power Rangers fan, I don't think I've been ever been prouder.
The Good:
- This is a Power Rangers movie. There's no mistaking it. Each character grows on you. Some characters you'll love more than others, but by movie's end, there's no mistaking that I couldn't have asked for a better cast.
- It's a great origin story. And despite it not being like old school fans remember, this is a much refreshing take on the franchise and takes many liberties without alieniating the fan base, all the same time welcoming a new generation. I don't know many of the actors in this film (from their previous works) but these guys did one heck of a job. And if this is the start of a new franchise, I can't wait to see more.
The Bad:
- Elizabeth Banks. And I'm not going to go so far as to say it was all her fault - I respect her talent - and maybe it was the way the writers made her, but Rita was a weak point in the movie. I really do like her as an actress. But I feel that the Power Ranger actors were on another page. They really brought their "A" game, and I just felt this lack of chemistry between them and her. She was almost TOO over the top. And many will argue...."Rita was over the top in the show too!" Well, agreed. BUT, the tone of the movie wasn't geared for that kind of performance, in my opinion.
While I mentioned the good origin story - there's almost TOO much focus on character development and not enough action. I ALMOST found myself starting to fidget around, like my body and mind was saying that this movie was needing to wrap it up. And then comes the action to save the day. If you have a short attention, you'll be bored.