Saban’s Power Rangers

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dr who is very cheesy and a little boring. but as a sci fi show it has some really interesting concepts and some iconic creatures and characters.

i think the bad acting, low budget and drawn out episodes hurt what could be an excellent story.


Yeah, no Christmas lights. I was never a fan of the original command center.

Lots of camera shots in it you can see part of the set lighting :lol

Alpha 5 looks like a burn victim :lol >__>.

But, seriously, I like the look of the old HQ a lot more. It had a futuristic "tech" look that was reminiscent of the late 80s and early 90s - Dr. Who and Star Trek: TNG come to mind.

This movie's trying way too hard to be edgy. Also, the Zords shouldn't be parked inside the HQ... they're supposed to come out of the ground/the sky when summoned!
Alpha 5 looks like a burn victim :lol >__>.

But, seriously, I like the look of the old HQ a lot more. It had a futuristic "tech" look that was reminiscent of the late 80s and early 90s - Dr. Who and Star Trek: TNG come to mind.

This movie's trying way too hard to be edgy. Also, the Zords shouldn't be parked inside the HQ... they're supposed to come out of the ground/the sky when summoned!

Thats the problem.
People will go " why are u hating on a movie based on a show for kids"
But just because the show was goofy and for kids it doesnt mean it didnt hhave its own style and charm. Its own identity.
As goofy as the show was thats why we liked it.

Saying that this looks better only because it looks more serious is missing the entire point.

Look at fan4stic the fantastic four reboot... it was serious as hell yet it was garbage.

More and more this is starting to remind me of fan4stic it willl never be as bad as that movie but making power rangers into chronicle mixed with twilight migt not be the best thing they did.
I don't get the whole "it looks too serious" criticism? The costumes and robots are colorful as ****. There's a cheesy looking robot thing that walks funny, and a giant head for a boss on a giant Flintstones tv screen. If anything, it all looks more alien than the OG show, which makes total sense.
I don't get the whole "it looks too serious" criticism? The costumes and robots are colorful as ****. There's a cheesy looking robot thing that walks funny, and a giant head for a boss on a giant Flintstones tv screen. If anything, it all looks more alien than the OG show, which makes total sense.

The tone, the acting, the sets, the music, the chronicle style origin, the rita killing rangers Before.
And yes. The teaser was enough to show us all of that.

But if the colorful suits and the cool beetle robots are good enough for u then thats cool.
The tone, the acting, the sets, the music, the chronicle style origin, the rita killing rangers Before.
And yes. The teaser was enough to show us all of that.

But if the colorful suits and the cool beetle robots are good enough for u then thats cool.

The acting? They were kids having fun with their new powers.

Rita sounds and looks over the top, like she should. I don't see how giving her a history and the Rangers some kind of mythology is a bad thing. It makes her a more formidable villain, and a reason to go after the rangers other than taking over the world, Pinky!!

The sets? You mean the command center with the colorful robots? It looks like a more alien batcave...underwater, not a cheap 90's tv set.

As far as the tone, we'll see. I think it'll be closer to a Bay film than Chronicle.

The trailer teased the original theme, so if they use it, I won't care about the generic trailer music.

I'm not sure what you want?