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Wow this post had me worried as I was to sell my old one anyways. But man the costume stinks. Looks like the white version of Luke cage.
It's nicely sculpted but the pose is weak and awkward. I agree with CFly. The bookends pose would be nicer.

BTW not another Logan FFS. Rays is perfect no need for another.
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Yup...that would be the Ultimates costuming but then again they didn't include the multiclawed look:


and for some reason the pose looks like he is about to break into a verse of "Don't Stop Believin'"

Going off the top of my head but I don't think there is one character I prefer in Ultimate least no major characters.
I will say this, the Ultimates universe was a good idea (no different than any of the DC Multiverse series) and at least they didn't reboot current continuity (although Marvel has been screwing that up itself for a while now). I really liked the first couple of series and the fresh take on them but it got to out of hand to the point where towards the end they needed a wipe of that universe to start fresh. Bagley/Bendis run on Ultimate Spidey and Millar/Kubert run on Ultimate X-Men were some of the best stories at the time for the characters themselves, they just took it too far and screwed the pooch.