Both are open world crime based games with a different flavor.
Most people will ultimately have to choose one at the expense of the other. Kids will have to pick one because they may not have the cash to buy both and most working adults may be inclined to buy one because they see no point buying another game if they are not going to have the time to play both.
Personally I'm going to buy GTA V and instead of getting SRIV I'll go buy FIFA 14. Now that's a totally different game!
Yeah. NO.
Spoileriffic things from saints row 4.
You're president of the united states During an Alien invasion.
The aliens win, Earth is LITERLAY DESTROYED, and the survivors are taken and pluged into a reality simulation That is essentialy the matrix.
Oh, and becuase you're in the matrix, you've got super powers.
And you can hack your weapons to make them look and act like
Robocop's gun
The Pulse rifle from aliens
Han solo's blasters
Deckard's pistol from bladerunner
You can also get a gun that shoots black holes
Yes, it shares similar controls, and concepts to GTA
But Its about as similar to it, As Fifa is to madden.
They're BOTH football, right?